08 June 2018
We are excited to announce the 2019 European Music Tour for St Peter’s College singers, band and orchestral students. The tour is available to Year 7 to 12 students and will involve a blend of significant performance opportunities, cultural activities and sightseeing. It will run for 18 days and takes place in July during the second term holidays. It is anticipated that the touring ensembles will include a band, orchestra, choir and soloists.
The European Music Tour will travel to Vienna, Bratislava, Budapest, Montecatini, Venice and Rome. One of the many highlights will be our students’ participation in the Bratislava Youth Festival 2019.
Details of the tour will be presented on Monday 25 June at 7pm at an information night that will be held in room 58 and 59, which is located below the Miller Library. It is important that any interested families attend this meeting as we will have representatives from European music tour specialists, Angas Travel, in attendance to answer any queries. Following the presentation, refreshments will be available and parents are welcome to chat to tour staff and Angus Travel.
For catering purposes please advise your intention to attend the information evening via email to pwalsh@stpeters.sa.edu.au
A European music tour was undertaken in 2016 by St Peter’s College students and was an outstanding and significant experience in both their musical and personal development.
If you have any queries, please contact the Music Office on 8404 0684.
Please note: boys who are currently learning an orchestral musical instrument or voice outside of School are also welcome to attend.