By now all students from Years 6 to 11, except for Year 11 IB students, should have received an email regarding subject selections for 2019. All subject selections are done online, via a portal called Web Preferences and so boys will receive an email from in order to access the portal. This website is used by the School each year to gather early preferences for subjects that boys wish to study in the following year. Please refer to the details contained in the emails for further information.
For access to information regarding the curriculum, and specific subjects, studied at each year level, please refer to the School’s Curriculum Guide, which is available on Keystone via the following link:
Understandably, some families may want additional time to consider selections and will also be wanting to have the option to change the initial selection later in the year, particularly after final grades are released. After the Web Preferences cut-off date on Thursday 2 August (Week 2 of Term 3), subject selections can be amended by emailing Mrs Pierina Deck at in the Learning and Teaching Centre.
Boys entering Year 11 in 2019 (current Year 10s) have a Course Review meeting on Friday 3 August (Week 2). On this day, every Year 10 student and his parents have the opportunity to meet with their Head of House to review the suitability of their subject selections. Meetings will occur in Big School Room and, as well as Heads of House, the IBDP and SACE Coordinators, the Careers Counsellor and the acting Director of Learning & Teaching Excellence will be present.
As you discuss 2019 subjects with your son you may want to speak with subject specialists, Heads of Faculty, the SACE or IBDP Coordinator, particularly for boys going into Years 11 and 12, the Careers Counsellor or his Head of House. Contact details for some key staff are provided below.
Careers Counsellor: Mark Colsey,
Assistant Careers Counsellor: Cameron Hromin,
IB Coordinator: Paul Hadfield,
Acting SACE Coordinator: Trudi Duggin,
Acting Timetable Coordinator: Glyn Roberts,
Head of Middle Years: James Tamblyn,
Acting Director of Learning & Teaching Excellence: Sam Cheesman,