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A new artwork stands proudly on the top floor of the Pentreath building; the collaborative sculpture made by 2023 Artist in Residence Anna Horne, in conjunction with a range of students across Years 7 to 12. The warm russet tones of the piece against the cool-hued teal base provide the space with an injection of colour and texture, providing students with visual stimulation as they climb the stairs to their classrooms. The Art Faculty could not be happier with the completed piece, which reflects Anna Horne’s skill as both practitioner and facilitator, and the boys’ commitment in contributing to its construction.

As with any large-scale artwork, completion and installation takes time and effort from multiple parties. I would like to thank the following people for their assistance in turning a concept into reality: Anna Horne, for her passion and guidance, the Art Faculty for embracing the project with such enthusiasm, Tim Browning and Mark Coventry for selecting the location in which the sculpture now stands, Alex Cavanagh and his team for helping with installation, and James Dodd for the fabrication and painting of the steel base on which the sculpture rests.

Finally, special thanks must be given to three current Year 9 boys who in August of last year, without fail, came every lunchtime for three weeks to participate in the construction of the coloured cement ‘pillows’ that make up this wonderful sculpture – Chris Hughes, Lachlan Brown and Ace Hansford.

Adele Turner
Head of Arts