21 June 2019
Anglican Charities Day
One of the features of the last fortnight was the Year 6-led Anglican Charities Day. The students, or rather young teams of entrepreneurs, are a credit to the Year 6 teaching team and parents who supported them in their fundraising endeavour. Thank you to our Junior School parent community who contributed to the event by sending money in with their boys to enjoy the stalls and games that had been so creatively constructed. We are so proud of the $6,400 raised for Anglican charities and see this as evidence of service to the greater community outside the School grounds.
Playground safety
In reviewing the safety of our students both before and after school, I would like to remind parents to refrain from dropping off their sons before 8.15am unless they are attending an extra-curricular activity or Out of School Hours Care (OSHC). If boys arrive before 8.15 am and are not supervised by parents they will be escorted to OSHC to be cared for prior to the school day.
For further information about OSHC before and after school, please click here.
We ask that Junior Primary boys do not play on the Year 2/3/4 playground equipment between 3.00 pm and 3:15 pm as our Year 3 students are still in lessons at this time. After school, in the interest of safety, the Year 5/6 playground is not to be used after school. The Year 2/3/4 playground is open from 3:15pm until 3:45pm at which time a staff member will close the playground.
In the classroom
In classroom visits over the past two weeks, I have been so impressed by the standard of writing seen in Reception in particular. There is clear evidence that the spelling strategies and choices taught through THRASS are empowering our young writers.
It has also been wonderful to host the Year 6 students from St Peter’s Girls who joined us in carrying out a range of activities including an escape room scavenger hunt, Mind Lab games and a famous landmark construction STEM challenge. We also welcomed Year 3 students from Wilderness who spent a morning engaged in a rotation of activities, checkers and chess, dots and dash coding and outdoor adventure challenges. Both of these visits are examples of how we are supporting personal and social capabilities as well as critical and creative thinking for our boys.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Jasmine Taylor
Head of Junior School