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Term 3 is a vibrant one for the Arts Faculty, with a variety of events for students, staff and parents to engage with.

This week, the 2024 Artist in Residence, Jimmy Dodd, joins the Art Faculty. Jimmy’s three week residency will see him work with our Years 7, 8 and 11 Art students, as they explore the use of machinery to create abstract artworks depicting movement and colour. Jimmy’s creative process is truly fascinating, and we anticipate that this crossover of Art and STEM will be a hit with the students.

If your son thinks this sounds really interesting, but didn’t select Art this semester, he can still be involved! During Weeks 3 and 4, Jimmy will be running lunchtime sessions to create a collaborative group project, with the completed artwork being unveiled during the opening night of our SALA exhibition towards the end of August.

Interested students can join Jimmy to work on this exciting project at lunchtimes on Monday 5 to Thursday 8 August, then Monday 12 to Thursday 15 August.

On Friday 9 August, SPSC will hold is second Arts Day, an event for all Years 7 to 9 students across lessons 1 to 4. This year the lineup of workshops is many and varied, with 20 offerings across the visual and performing arts. Students have already selected their preferred options, and will be emailed their Arts Day timetables on Thursday 8 August.

Friday 9 August is also a casual clothes day, so please remind your son to wear attire that is suitable for the activities he is involved in.

After countless hours of rehearsal, the Year 12 Drama students are proud to present the Senior production of Ballyturk by Enda Walsh. If you crave a few laughs, existential angst, and 1980’s music, then this production might be what you need. There will be four performances (7.30 pm, 6 to 9 August) in the Drama Centre. Please contact Paul Fabbro on for further details.

Adele Turner 
Head of Faculty – Arts