Speed @ Saints
Most sports require short sprints inclusive of rapid acceleration. The more effective and conditioned you are at executing this, the more likely you will outrun an opponent or quickly chase down a ball. Think sports such as Cricket, Football, Basketball, Soccer amongst others. Join Speed @ Saints to boost your athletic ability and to support your overall performance in your chosen sports.
When: Sessions are programmed for every Tuesday and Wednesday of the term. 7am to 8am. Students are welcome to attend one or both sessions on a weekly basis.
Where: Meet at Scotchy’s Shed, the green athletics shed on Farr Oval for a 7am start.
How to join or make further enquiries: Email Mr Tony Checker for the link to register (tchecker@stpeters.sa.edu.au).
Saints Running Club
Students, staff and parents of all abilities are welcome to join the Saints Running Club! You’ll get to improve your endurance and overall health in a rewarding and enjoyable environment.
When: Sessions are programmed for each Friday of the term 7am to 8am.
Where: Meet in the Sports Centre Café for a 7am start.
How to join or make further enquiries: Email Mr Tony Checker for the link to register (tchecker@stpeters.sa.edu.au).
Saints Track and Field
Track and Field is offered to all boys as a summer competition sport (Terms 1 and 4). As a ‘Foundation Sport’, there is also the opportunity for boys who have chosen alternative sports to choose athletics as a ‘second’ sport. In this case, while boys are welcome to enter weekend competitions, they may use training sessions purely as an opportunity to enhance personal athletic development (throwing, jumping, sprinting/acceleration, hurdling etc.)
When: Sessions are programmed Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays 3.45pm – 5.00pm
Where: Meet at Scotchy’s Shed, the green athletics shed on Farr Oval for a 3.45pm start.
How to join or make further enquiries: Email Mr Tony Checker (tchecker@stpeters.sa.edu.au).
KEYS Athletic Development Program (Year 7)
The KEYS Athletics Development Program was created, in essence, to ‘unlock’ athletic potential. Over the past 18 months we have had exceptional improvement in their strength and movement abilities. I can see the benefit of incorporating gymnastics, basic fundamental movement skills, running mechanics and mobility into the student’s program. The program is designed to improve your strength/speed/mobility and sporting performance as a whole.
When: Monday and Thursday 7:00am – 7:45pm
Where: Green shed Hackney Road car park
How to book: https://www.trybooking.com/CDPLJ
Athletic Development Open Gym Sessions
Some sports will have compulsory gym sessions already structured within their weekly schedule. If you child is not a part of a sport that has a current time slot, they have the opportunity to attend open gym sessions. They will have access to a structured session programmed by one of our full-time strength and conditioning coaches and coached by our experienced athletic development coaches.
They must book these sessions via rhinofit.
Athletics Development Team