The basic movements of running, jumping and throwing are essential for success in all sporting pursuits. However, very few people have been trained to execute these movements in an optimal manner.
The St Peter’s College Athletics Coaching and Management team has been working hard to produce an exciting new training program for 2021. The aim of the new program is to promote Athletics as a foundation sport to help improve outcomes in team sports and track and field competitions.
Athletics training is now available year-round for all Senior School students who want to run faster, jump higher or throw further. The sessions include specialist running, jumping and throwing trainings on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday with high level coaches in each discipline (Terms 1, 3 and 4 only). In addition, Speed@Saints is now offered to Senior School students on Monday and Wednesday mornings across the year to help students improve their running technique, top speed and acceleration.
For more information about the training schedule, coaching team and competitions, please visit the new athletics homepage here.