On 31 May 2018 everyone is invited to attend the Bands and Choral Concert, to be held at 7.00pm in Memorial Hall.
There will be performances from the Senior Concert Band, Intermediate Concert Band, Middle Concert Band, Junior School Preparatory Concert Band, Junior School Concert Band, Senior Choir, Combined Choir, Treble Choir, Years 3 and 4 Choir, Years 5 and 6 Choir, Contemporary Vocal Ensemble, Small Jazz Vocal Ensemble, Clarinet Ensemble and Flute Choir.
Tickets are available via www.trybooking.com/369633
Adults: $15, children: free
Complimentary refreshments will be available during interval.
For more information please contact Jill Page, Administrative Assistant of Music on 8404 0683 or JPage@stpeters.sa.edu.au