30 July 2020
It was a different Bastille Day celebration this year in the Junior School, but still a wonderful occasion for students to appreciate French culture.
Junior School students celebrated “La Fête Nationale’, “le 14 juillet” in the last week of Term 2. We had various morning teas and celebrations that was held over three days. The boys dressed in blue, white and red, ate delicious fresh croissants, enjoyed hot chocolate, celebrated achievements and effort, learnt more about Bastille Day and were entertained by some very talented Junior School musicians.
The students were fortunate to be visited by some special guests. Monsieur Cédric Peltier who represented the French Embassy visited on Tuesday. Mr Peltier was very impressed by the boys’ knowledge and enthusiasm of all things French. The Junior School leadership team with Tim Browning, Headmaster and Jasmine Taylor, Head of Junior School very kindly gave up their time to enjoy some of the French festivities. “Merci beaucoup” to the wonderful Year 6 students who volunteered to help support the celebrations.
We are also very grateful for the support of all staff who helped with these celebrations given the different event, and of course, congratulations to all our French students for being such wonderful and enthusiastic learners.
Vive la France! Vive le français!
Madame Hanna
Junior School Languages Teacher
Mademoiselle Harvey
Junior School Teacher
Madame McLachlan
Junior School Teacher