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The theme for Book Week 2019 was Reading is my secret Power. At Saints we emphasised reading powers. Boys were asked to reflect on what power they get from their reading. Responses were varied and very encouraging as boys were able to verbalise what power reading brought to their lives. Boys were involved in creating a digital poster to reflect on the special power reading provides, with younger boys making themselves into flying superheroes. Posters were displayed on TV screens throughout the library during the week and boys enjoyed seeing the variety of ideas presented in the posters.

Book Week began with Book Week launch assembly, which was run by the library leaders and library committee, supported by the Junior School Captain, Charlie Bruce (Year 6) and Vice Captain, Joey Fitzgerald (Year 6) who dressed as Superman. At the launch Superman lost his superpowers and was then given reading superpowers of creativity, escapism, learning, connection/empathy and stamina. Performances by the Year 6 Rock Band and Ms Maryann Moore’s Year 6 class added other powers to our assembly.

At the assembly we acknowledged the participants of the book week model making competition. Judging was a difficult process as all entries were very competitive. Participants were awarded either a participation award, third, second or first prize. It was fabulous to see so many boys participate in this competition.  At the launch we announced the winning books from the Children’s Book Council, as well as announcing the winners as voted by the boys in the Junior School through their jellybean voting. This is always received with much excitement and expectation.

Thursday morning the Palm House boys rotated through two craft activities as their classes visited other teachers in Palm House. The children all had the opportunity to re-read one of the short-listed Early Childhood Books, and then complete a fun activity to further their enjoyment of the story.

Friday morning boys enjoyed our annual Book Week Parade in the amazing sunshine. We saw many boys dressed as their favourite book characters, there were also boys who invented their own superhero or gave their favourite character a superpower. We would like to acknowledge and congratulate all families for the effort that went into the costumes that were worn by the boys. We really appreciate the planning and conversations that go into these costumes. As always, the commitment and support from the parent community is highly evident during Book Week.  The library staff wish to thank you for your support as it is through this support that we create a community of readers.

Sue Dansie and Alison Winter
Junior School Teacher-Librarians