24 May 2018
This week sees our second instalment of the CARE Program (Courage, Adaptability, Respect, Empathy) in the Senior Years, with the focus on ‘A – Adaptable’. Year 9 students will discuss anxiety and stress, looking at how to recognise the signs and what may trigger it in them. They will also talk about strategies to use to help reduce stress levels.
The Year 10 cohort will focus on overcoming adversity. This will be quite timely with the 21-day journey to the Flinders Ranges just a fortnight away. Jess Trengove, Australian marathon runner, spoke to the boys about overcoming the odds and getting over obstacles.
The Year 11 group also heard from Jess as their program focuses on nerves and how to deal with them. Finally the Year 12 students listened to a presentation byDr Mike Oliver, School Psychologist about the importance of sleep and leading a balanced life through their study-centred year.
The Year 10 journey is fast approaching. Regular Year 10 classes are cancelled for the last four weeks of term. For three of those weeks, the boys are embarking on their 21-day journey. For the last week boys will take part in a series of different sessions based on life skills and fun activities.
Each group will have a different schedule of activities for the days that they are at School. Students must go to Mentor, Chapel, House Meetings and School Muster as normal. Boys must wear normal School uniform each day and need to bring their PE uniform so they can change for lessons involving PE games, strength and conditioning, or dance sessions. Students need their laptop and writing materials for the week but won’t be assigned any homework.
Students are not expected to play sport for the School on the day after their return from their journey. Sports coaches have been instructed to not select students on these days. After that, you are expected to be at sports trainings and games as normal.
Any boys not going on to Flinders must not to attend School for the three-week period of their assigned group as there is no alternative program.
Journey dates for each group.
David Scott
Head of Senior Years