22 March 2019
The Careers Evening continues to be an integral part of the Careers Program at Saints. This year was the 20th year the event has been held and attracted over 330 boys and parents to hear practitioners speak about various career options.
Over 40 presenters support the Careers Evening on Monday 18 March. Thank you to current and former parents, apprenticeship agencies, old scholars, university staff and entrepreneurs for helping our students learn about various careers paths. It was particularly pleasing to see some new careers represented for the first time, especially in technology and performing arts.
The benefits for the boys who attend are significant. For Year 10 students, this is a particularly important exercise as it is linked to the learning undertaken in the compulsory SACE subject, Personal Learning Plan. It also helps them select their Year 11 subjects.
The night received fantastic support from the St Peter’s Collegians’ Association, and in particular from Mrs Annie Bawden.
Cameron Hromin
Assistant Careers Counsellor