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 The Careers Evening is an integral part of the Careers Program at St Peter’s College and is an important event on the School’s calendar. 

Our 23rd event, held on 21 March this year, attracted a significant number of boys and parents to hear presenters from 32 different career areas. These exhibitors included apprenticeship agencies, old scholars, current and former parents, university staff and entrepreneurs. It was particularly pleasing to see some new careers represented for the first time, especially in the Creative Media and Design space. Students also had the chance to listen to specific presentations on Medicine (General Practice and Surgery), Law, Engineering and Accounting/ Finance in the recently renovated Big School Room and Big Quad Classrooms. 

The benefits for the boys who attend are significant. For the Year 10 students, this is a particularly important exercise as it is linked to the learning undertaken in the compulsory SACE subject the Personal Learning Plan and assists them in making informed choices for their subjects in Year 11 and 12. 

The night received fantastic support from the St Peter’s Old Collegians.  

Mr Cameron Hromin
Assistant Careers Counsellor