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We were incredibly fortunate to benefit from Mr Jack Cowin visiting us on campus on Friday 1 April as part of our CEO-in-Residence Program.

This unique opportunity provided our Senior School students the opportunity to learn from Jack Cowin’s Life Lessons during a special muster. Small groups of students from Years 10 to 12 were then able to partake in small group Q & A sessions and in a Shark Tank SPSC edition. The students were able to hear about the value of working hard and focusing on those tasks that they enjoy, because if you enjoy what you do, it is not work!

Some Year 7 students (who were not in the Q and A session) came up to ask if they could say “hello” to Mr Cowin whilst others wanted to have their photo taken with him. Our students were certainly in awe of him and appreciated the valuable insight he imparted.

If interested, here is a link to an Australian Financial Review article and accompanying podcast detailing some of Mr Cowin’s challenges and accomplishments throughout his illustrious career; he brought the first KFC to Australia, established Hungry Jacks, Domino’s Pizza and now works on sustainable meat products.

Thank you Jack for sharing with us your inspiring pathway to success.

Ana Christensen
Humanities Faculty