25 October 2019
It is always an emotional time when the graduating class comes to the end of their schooling journey. Over the past fortnight we have celebrated with our Year 12 students in a myriad of ways. Morning tea on the first day of term gave staff and boys an opportunity to thank each other for their support along the journey. This week the Year 12 students gathered with their families and teachers in the Big Quad for breakfast, joined their House groups for the last time, shared eucharist at their final Chapel service, were farewelled by the Senior School students at the Valedictory Muster, and recognised by the whole community at the Avenue of Honour. Speech Day and Valedictory Dinner take place this afternoon and this evening.
This year these events were designed in such a way that families were central to the celebrations. For the first time parents were invited to view a livestream of the Chapel service and join the community for the Valedictory Muster. We were delighted to welcome so many parents to these events, and your presence made the occasion that much more special for all involved, in particular the graduating students. On behalf of the School, thank you so much to all parents and families of the 2019 Year 12 cohort. Your support of the School and your son is an integral component of the success and enjoyment they have experienced. To those of you for whom this graduation marks the end of your time as a current parent, a special thanks to you all.
I’d like to congratulate the graduating students for their commitment and their conduct over the course of this year. Inevitably challenging, the pressures of Year 12 can manifest in a range of ways for different individuals. As a cohort you have done an expectational job navigating your unique paths this year. Your School is proud of you. We wish you every success and happiness as you embark on the next stage of life’s journey, whatever this may look like and wherever this may take you. Know always that you are welcome back here as old scholars for life.
Best of luck to all Year 12s during the upcoming exam period. We look forward to sharing with you all the academic results of the cohort, and watching with interest the great things that these young men will contribute to the world in years to come.
James Tamblyn
Deputy Headmaster/Head of Senior School