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Year 12 Tertiary applications

Timely applications for university entry in most States of Australia have now closed. Late applications for most courses can still be made, but will incur a late application fee.

Any boys wishing to discuss their plans for 2022 and beyond or need any assistance with their applications can arrange to meet with the Careers Counsellor.

Resources to support tertiary applications can be found on Keystone – Learning Resource ID of JQ9ZXS.

Aerospace Engineering Scholarships
The University of Adelaide, together with The Playford Trust and the Andy Thomas Space Foundation, are offering six $5000 scholarships to high achieving school leavers looking to pursue an engineering degree, majoring in aerospace in 2022. Applications close Friday December 17. For more details, go to Aerospace scholarships.

Headstart Scholarship Program and information night

Headstart is a University of Adelaide program that provides high achieving students in Year 12 the opportunity to study at university and have these studies count towards SACE completion and ATAR calculations. While studying at the University part-time, Headstart students also have the opportunity to find out what university life is like before finishing school. For more information on Headstart, please go to Headstart.

For current Year 11 students considering this option, it is strongly recommended they attend a Headstart information session. There is one remaining information session available this year – Wednesday 24th November from 6 to 7.00pm Braggs Lecture Theatre, North Terrace Campus. For more details and registrations (registrations are mandatory) go to Information Night.

Any students intending to apply for Headstart will also need to meet with Dr Roberts-Thomson to discuss their application, review the implications for 2022 school studies and get his approval.

Course Seeker is an Australian Government initiative that aims to help students gain Australian tertiary information to assist them to make informed decisions about future study options. The website provides access to information on ATARs, prerequisites and enrolment policies. Information has been sourced from across Australia and presented in a nationally consistent and comparable format to improve the transparency across the higher education sector. Courseseeker can be accessed at Courseeker.

National Careers Institute and School Leaver Information Service

The National Careers Institute offers a range of information and services designed to assist School Leavers and their influences to understand their education, training and work options. This can be found at school leaver support. The School Leavers Information kit (available via the link) covers a range of topics to assist School Leavers to navigate post school options, both short and long term.

The School Leavers Information Service has also been launched. This support service delivers more tailored support services via telephone or text. Interested parties can call 1800 CAREER (1800 227 337) or SMS ‘SLIS2020’ to 0429 009 435 for more information. The Your Career website has a range of tools and resources and is available at Your career,

Where to next?

Where to next is a hub that offers students the access to careers based webinars and the latest news and features. This will be a valuable source of information for all students. Students planning their pathway from education to employment and wanting the latest information on tertiary studies, further training, courses, career options and job opportunities can engage directly with Exhibitors via the Webinars where information can be downloaded and students can ask questions.

Australian National University – ANU

ANU has provided updated information for direct applicants and for students who have not yet applied. Direct Applicants can change their degree preferences from Friday 1 October 2021 by logging back into their application. The students need to keep their August offer program in their preference list, but they can drop it down the list and put other preferences above it if they would like to be considered for a different offer in December. Students should check the conditions of award for any offered scholarship if they are changing their preferences (some scholarships are linked to a specific degree/discipline) or if they would like to defer their offer (the majority of scholarships cannot be deferred).

Students who did not submit a direct application can still apply through UAC. UAC Applications for current school-leavers need to meet the same co-curricular requirements as per the direct applications Co-curricular or service requirement.

University of Sydney – Experience Sydney

Experience Sydney is an online event which is designed to give students a taste of university life. It will be held from Monday 8 to Thursday 11 November. Experience Sydney will provide students the opportunity to participate in a taster class and get a sample of some of our first-year lecture material in a variety of study areas. There will also be the opportunity to connect with the Student Ambassadors to learn about their personal experience studying at the University and have their questions answered during the Q&A sessions. For details and registration, go to Experience Sydney.

Camp Counsellors USA (CCUSA)

CCUSA is a program where GAP students are placed in summer camps to run activities for younger students during the US school summer vacation period, although CCUSA also operates in other countries. CCUSA looks for young people who display skills such as leadership, energy, sporting ability, empathy etc, to work with the students in the camps. For more details, go to CCUSA.

Norwich University UK, Scholarship opportunity

The School may nominate up to three students who have demonstrated an exceptional record of service to their school or community for the Norwich High School Service Award, valued at $5,000 each year for a total of $20,000 over four years of study. Any student interested in this program should contact the Careers Counsellor in the first instances. Details can be found at Norwich University Scholarships.

 St Mark’s College

St Mark’s is a residential college located on Pennington Terrace in North Adelaide. The College is keen to take prospective residents for a tour, and this includes day students as well as boarders. There are a couple of scholarships available at St Mark’s College for graduating St Peter’s College students. For details about the College, please go to St Mark’s College or phone 8334 5600.

St Ann’s College

St Ann’s is a residential college located on Brougham Place in North Adelaide. The College is willing to host any prospective students/families for a tour of the College. For details about the College, please go to St Ann’s College or phone 8267 1478.

International House

International House is a residential college associated with the University of Melbourne, RMIT University and the Australian Catholic University. There are a number of scholarships available, and a listing can be found at scholarships. For more information, contact Ms Thu Nguyen or Ms Tamra Keating or go to International House.

TAFE SA – pathway to Higher Education

TAFE SA is well known for its vocational education and training, but also offers a range of specialised higher education courses. Some of the higher education degrees are offered directly by TAFE SA and some are offered in partnership with universities. TAFE SA is a dual-sector VET/Higher Education provider, thereby offering benefits to higher education students. For more information, go to Higher Education

SA School Space Camp

Running for the first time in January 2022 and open to all 14 to 18 years old’s, the SA School Space Camp will be based at St Peter’s College, Adelaide with a NASA astronaut and a host of world renowned scientists. The camp has an overall mission of working in a team under the guidance of NASA astronauts and top scientists to design an experiment destined for the International Space Station (ISS), at the end of the week camp judges will pick the best experimental idea which will be built by King’s College London, launched to the ISS, and carried out in space by the astronauts aboard the station. For details and applications, go to Mission Discovery Adelaide.

Welding apprenticeships

ACROMAT is offering apprenticeships in Cert III Engineering (Welding) to commence in January 2022. Students interested in applying should visit the website ACROMAT to learn more about the company and direct enquiries to or phone 08 8352 2288.

Employment opportunities for Yr 12 graduates

Maxima is a Group Training Organisation that promotes and manages traineeships and apprenticeships. Apprenticeships and Traineeships allow students to work while completing a nationally recognised qualification, learning from experienced mentors and developing skills on the job. There is no study debt at the end. For more details, go to Maxima vacancies

Paris College of Art – PCA

PCA is a renowned college for creative students. PCA is hosting an Online Open House on 20 November. This will introduce prospective students to some of the people who make up the PCA community. PCA department chairs, staff and students will be available to share information and answer questions about PCA. There will also be drop-in sessions about Admissions, Student Life, Financial Matters, Summer Programs, and a special session just for parents. For more information and registration, go to Registration.

GAP Year opportunity

Todmorden Station, about 100 km west of Oodnadatta, is looking for station hands and a governess as a GAP year opportunity in 2022. The details nave been emailed to all Year 12s. This could be a good opportunity for those interested in the cattle/agriculture industry.

Academy of Interactive Entertainment – AIE

For students interested in game development, 3D animation, filmmaking or visual effects, AIE offers a number of courses, including holiday courses. AIE is hosting an Open Day on Saturday 20 November. For details and registration, go to Open Day.


Game changer is a fee for service organisation that supports young people looking to secure sporting scholarships in the USA. For more information, go to game-changer.

Mark Colsey
Careers Counsellor