13 September 2022
As Term 3 comes rushing to a close, there are many important dates that are now creeping up on the boys. Particularly for the year 12s, as applications for post school options will soon be due. The most important piece is that if your son is looking to apply for university in South Australia then they must apply via the SATAC website by the 30th September. All the TAC’s are listed and linked below. One notable difference is that VTAC closes 1 day early on the 29th, so please be mindful of that. But please look to have SATAC applications paid by the 30th of September so that you don’t receive a late fee- as the price jumps dramatically. Further to this, there is still some opportunity to apply based on Yr11 grades at Flinders University- the steps and dates are also below.
There are also 3 scholarships now on offer to year 12 boys, and information was distributed to them via email from Mr Mark Colsey. The boys should see that email if they be interested. As always, should your son at any point want to discuss his future options beyond the school, you are more than welcome to email me and book a time to chat: jcarter@stpeters.sa.edu.au
Tertiary Admission Centres
Apply online for courses at the following TACs. Each state TAC is an independent admission system, with separate application fees for each TAC:
South Australia Northern Territory – SATAC www.satac.edu.au (6 preferences)
New South Wales and ACT www.uac.edu.au (5 preferences)
Queensland www.qtac.edu.au (5 preferences)
Tasmania www.utas.edu.au (5 preferences)
Victoria www.vtac.edu.au (8 preferences)
Western Australia www.tisc.edu.au (6 preferences)
SATAC is now open for applications
Now Open 1 August
Closing dates
23 August University of Adelaide Year 11 Entry Pathway
30 September Flinders University Year 11 Entry Pathway
30 September (Uni) On-time closing date for most undergraduate courses $50 fee, with a late fee of$190 + Final closing date for Medicine, Dental Surgery, Veterinary Bioscience and Oral Health at the University of Adelaide
Change of Preference deadlines–first round 30 November (TAFESA) 4 January (SATAC)
Often students require school references for tertiary applications (in particular overseas applications) or residential college applications. The references can usually be categorised as being academic or personal/character type references. The School does have a policy that aims to support students requiring a reference. Any student requiring a reference or seeking a staff member to be a referee should contact the Careers Counsellor in the first instance. This process is in place so that the type of reference required can be ascertained and appropriate arrangements made to prepare a suitable reference. References, transcripts of results and academic statements cannot be prepared immediately. A minimum of two weeks’ notice is required to effectively prepare the reference, transcripts and/or academic statements, and students should factor this time requirement into their planning for application submissions
As per an email sent out by Mr Colsey, there are 3 scholarships open to year 12s. Please see his email for more information-
M D & R D Elliott MBE Scholarship: is a scholarship available for a current Saints Year 12 student who has accepted a place in the medical faculty of an Australian university for 2023. Applications must be submitted by Monday, 31 October.
Leonard William Bakewell Law Scholarship: is a scholarship available for a current Year 12 Saints student, who has accepted a place, whether immediate or reserved, in the law faculty of an Australian university for 2023. Applications must be submitted to the Senior School Office by Monday, 31 October.
Adelaide Uni Principals’ Scholarship: This scholarship is valued at $5000 for one year, the scholarship will be awarded to one current Year 12 student at the School and will be based on the recommendation of the Headmaster. The Headmaster is able to nominate up to 2 students from Saints for the scholarship and the University will then decide on the successful recipient. Applications must be submitted to the Senior School Office by Monday, 31 October.
Flinders University:
uniTEST is an aptitude test that has been developed to assess the kinds of generic reasoning and thinking skills that underpin studies at higher education and that are needed for students to be successful at this level. Flinders University will select applicants based on both their Year 12 results (60% weighting toward the ATAR selection rank) and uniTEST results (40%). Flinders will also consider applicants based on their uniTEST results (100%) as a standalone entry score (subject to SACE completion and any course pre-requisites or specific admissions requirements). Students cannot be disadvantaged by participating in uniTEST. Flinders University will only consider their highest selection rank when offering a place. For example, if a student’s ATAR selection rank (inclusive of any adjustment factors) is higher than the combined uniTEST/ATAR selection rank, this will be given priority.
Year 11 Grade Application: Please refer to the Year 11 Grades admission pathway flyer for full information. This pathway will allow current Year 12 students to gain entry to Flinders based on their Year 11 Grades and gain an early conditional offer to start their university studies in their preferred degree. Students will need to successfully complete the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) (or equivalent) and meet any pre-requisite requirements to confirm their admission. We have streamlined the process to reduce the amount of assistance we require from your school. The Steps are:
- Applications open on 1 August.Students apply online and will be able to self-select which grade band they believe they are eligible for.
- We will issue a conditional offer to students.
- Flinders will provide a pre-populated spreadsheet after applications close for the school to confirm the Year 11 grade band of participating students by 30 November.
- Students will be issued with formal offers in the January 2023 SATAC offer rounds.
Based on demand, we will assess if a late offer round will be considered.
Rural & Remote sub-quotas
Your students may be eligible to access regional health admission pathways in many Flinders health courses which will significantly increase their opportunities for entry into a number of our highly competitive courses.
On-campus living options
Flinders Living is conveniently located on-campus. Students can travel to the city in 20 minutes by train, or to the beach in 15 minutes by bus. Flinders Living offers two experiences: the catered, collegiate-style University Hall and the self-contained units of Deirdre Jordan Village. Our community is made up of 65% students from Australian rural and metropolitan areas and 35% international students from over 20 countries.
With over 450 scholarships worth $2.4M, Flinders can help your students make the most of their transition and university experience. We have a wide range of University, government and non-government scholarships are available for commencing students.
University of South Australia:
Lots of new and exciting programs are being launched from Uni SA, including some that are being offered as 100% online thus offering the ability to study anywhere you want and degrees like the Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science/Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) double degree that had only been offered internally. To find out about the many new offering go to the following link: What’s New
Further to this many universities are offering differing approaches to how they offer students degree at the end 2022/ start 0f 2023. Uni SA has a hand to follow site regarding guaranteed entry and offers based off year 12 grades that can help to give you insight into their approach: Guaranteed Entry
Uni SA also has many Webinars upcoming and previous ones to watch back such as ‘Supporting Your Childs Journey to University’. UniSA Webinars – Study at UniSA – University of South Australia
Torrens University:
Bright Awards: A celebration of creative Year 10, 11 and 12 students, the Bright Awards recognise up-and-coming designers and support the future of the arts in high schools across Australia. Whether you’re just tapping into your talent or keen to show off your well-developed skills, Billy Blue College of Design’s Bright Awards give you the chance to have your work recognised by industry experts. Plus, monetary prizes for both students and schools go towards kick-starting creative dreams. Entries close Nov 4th Here
Careers In Gaming: Billy Blue College of Design is the home of Design and Creative Technology education in Australia. With the help of META Esports and our extensive industry network, our mission is to turn a passion for gaming into successful professional careers. Here for more info on pathways and degrees
UNSW & Sydney University
LAT registrations are now open:
The Law Admission Test (LAT) is an essential part of applying to study law at UNSW. Registrations are open until 7 September for Year 11 and 12 students to sit the test on Thursday, 29 September. Register Here
Sciences Po Dual Degree applications are open
Students can travel abroad, immerse themselves in French culture, and complete two bachelor’s degrees in four-years through the University of Sydney’s Bachelor of Arts (Dual Degree, Sciences Po, France) and Bachelor of Economics (Dual Degree, Sciences Po, France). Applications are now open with the application deadline for the first round (recommended for domestic students) on Monday 31 October 2022.
Architecture, Design and Planning Adjustment Factors
Students who are interested in applying for one of our Architecture, Design and Planning degrees (excluding our combined Engineering degree) can submit a portfolio. The portfolio submission is a potential way for domestic students to gain entry into our degrees if they have achieved close to the required ATAR (or equivalent). In conjunction with the HSC and other formal assessment systems, it assists the University to identify students with the potential to excel in architecture or interaction design.
Round 1 : 22 August 2022 – 25 September 2022
Round 2 : 4 November 2022 – 13 December 2022
Double Degree Medicine and Dentistry Assessment Dates 2023 Entry
Each year, domestic applicants for both the Bachelor of Arts/Doctor of Medicine and the Bachelor of Science/Doctor of Medicine double degrees are required to submit their preferences via UAC to be considered for an assessment day. Please take note of when the assessment dates will take place for domestic applicants and refer to the University’s website for further information.
Sun 11 Dec 2022 – Close of adding this degree as a preference to be considered for assessment day 1
Fri 16 Dec 2022 – Online assessment day 1 for domestic applicants
Sun 8 Jan 2023 – Close of adding this degree as a preference to be considered for assessment day 2
Fri 20 Jan 2023 – Online assessment day 2 for domestic students
Webinars in September
Architecture, Design and Planning Workshop | Wed 21 September 4pm
Domestic students are invited to join us for an online webinar where they will hear from our experts who are involved in the assessment of portfolio submissions as they guide them through the do’s and don’ts of an exceptional submission. Students will receive tips on selecting works, presentations and how to communicate their passion for design when submitting a portfolio as part of the portfolio admissions pathway.
Teaching Personal Statement Workshop | Thurs 22 September 4pm-5:30pm
The Sydney School of Education and Social Work at the University of Sydney invites you to the Teacher Education Personal Statement Workshop which will be held in late September. This zoom event will assist you with preparing your personal statement to study one of our undergraduate education degrees (excluding early childhood). Please check our website for further details and dates for attending.
Monash University
Science Precinct Tour – Saturday 8 October
If your senior students would like to take a closer look and see where they could be studying next year, this is a great chance to visit our brilliant science facilities and student spaces on Saturday 8 October. Here
Discover Pathways to and from Monash Science – Webinar
Discover the various study options available in science, and how you can boost the rank of your ATAR. Find out more about different pathways, or how you can use a science degree to transfer into other courses. Here
Science as a Pathway to Medicine
We’re often asked “Can you study Science to enter Medicine?” The answer is ‘Yes!’ Here
Your Essential Guide
Your one stop shop for everything Monash Science! Register for events and view other resources, access course information webinars, and make 1:1 appointments with staff and current students. Here
Lincoln University New Zealand
Make sure they meet the entry criteria
Entry into the bachelor’s degree is via University Entrance. We do not have any subject specific entry criteria for our bachelor’s degrees. However, if students miss out on UE we do have pathway options available for eligible students, our Certificate in University Studies and Diploma in University Studies.
How your student can apply
MyLinc is our application portal where students can apply for study, Halls of Residence, and Lincoln scholarships. Students need to create an account and then submit their study application, and then this lets them apply for accommodation and Lincoln scholarships.
Applications opened on 1 August and need to be completed by 30 September to be in our first round of offers (which will be sent on 3 October). Students need to log in to MyLinc to accept their offer, and follow the instructions in the offer email to pay their deposit. The first students to accept their offer, and pay their deposit, have the best chance to get a room in their preferred Hall.
University Tasmania
For students enrolling to study Medicine in 2023, the existing Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) will be replaced by a new degree – the Bachelor of Medical Science, Doctor of Medicine (BMedScMD). This new course will provide students with an Australian Qualifications Framework Level 9 Masters Extended qualification within the same five-year course duration as the current Level 7 Bachelor qualification.
Please note that this change will not affect students who wish to enroll in the Medicine Program as they leave school. For this group of applicants, current entry requirements based on UCAT and ATAR scores will remain in place for enrolment in 2023.
The BMedScMD retains the essential structure and curriculum of the MBBS with a stronger and more defined research component, which will provide students with increased opportunities for research skills training. The new course will align with the majority of Australian medical programs. Students will graduate with the title ‘Doctor of Medicine’.
Applications for the 2023 intake of the Medicine Program open 2 August and close 30 September 2022.
Australian Apprenticeship Support Network:
The below link will take you to the most recent list of vacancies showing the apprenticeships and traineeships currently have available in the state:
Ai Group Apprentice and Trainee Centre
Ai Group Apprentice and Trainee Centre is part of a national system with over 35,000 apprentices and trainees in wide and varied trades and employment. We place apprentices and trainees with host organisations across all states and territories, and are a proud partner to more than 200 host organisations including some of Australia’s leading organisations:
Podcast series – Graduate In The USA
If you’re interested in studying in the USA, then the EducationUSA podcast series may be of interest. It has just launched and you can listen to Graduate In The USA on your favorite podcast app or visit: https://podfollow.com/graduate-in-the-usa/view
College experiences in the U.S. are immersive, diverse and life changing, and applying to U.S. colleges can be easy when you know the steps. This series aims to help students, parents and school staff with exclusive insights on topics including the admissions process, college sports and the Australian student perspective. Each episode is a conversation with an expert, from admission personnel to a college sport coach, from athletes to a U.S. Ambassador. Get the inside word on how to give it your best shot, and what life will be like in the U.S. when you get there.
The Australian Chiropractic College
The Australian Chiropractic College (ACC), is one of only five higher education TEQSA approved institutions in Australia able to deliver a Bachelor of Chiropractic degree, and we are proud to be the first and only provider in South Australia. Choosing a career in Chiropractic is a step towards a satisfying and life-changing future. As a chiropractor, graduates have an opportunity to positively affect the health and wellbeing of people of all ages, their families, and the community at large. Please let us know if you would like us to attend any of your upcoming career events, or, give a presentation to students who have an interest in chiropractic or health sciences. And be sure to visit our website acc.sa.edu.au.
The ACC offers a unique educational experience, rich in both scientific theory and practical application, with access to some of the best educators and practitioners in the profession and an exciting, integrated curriculum.
James Carter
Acting Careers Counsellor