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Mr James Carter

Mr James Carter acted as the Careers Counsellor in Terms 2 and 3 this year. In this role, Mr Carter has been outstanding in advising and supporting students and their parents in the careers domain. I thank him for his enthusiasm and dedication in ensuring the students are informed and organised with applications and subject selections in Term 3.

There are also 3 scholarships now on offer to year 12 boys, and information was distributed to them via email from Mr Mark Colsey. The boys should see that email if they be interested. As always, should your son at any point want to discuss his future options beyond the school, you are more than welcome to email me and book a time to chat:


Often students require school references for tertiary applications (in particular overseas applications) or residential college applications. The references can usually be categorised as being academic or personal/character type references. The School does have a policy that aims to support students requiring a reference. Any student requiring a reference or seeking a staff member to be a referee should contact the Careers Counsellor in the first instance. This process is in place so that the type of reference required can be ascertained and appropriate arrangements made to prepare a suitable reference. References, transcripts of results and academic statements cannot be prepared immediately. A minimum of two weeks’ notice is required to effectively prepare the reference, transcripts and/or academic statements, and students should factor this time requirement into their planning for application submissions


Applications are open now for current Year 11s to fast track their Uni SA business degree by studying university subjects in Year 12. Interested students and their parents are encouraged to join a live webinar on Tuesday 8 November to find out more about UniSA Accelerate. For more information and registrations, please go to Accelerate.


All Year 12s have been emailed details of three scholarships available for St Peter’s College Year 12s. The email includes an online link for the students to submit their applications.

Please see his email for more information.

M D & R D Elliott MBE Scholarship: is a scholarship available for a current Year 12 student who has accepted a place in the medical faculty of an Australian university for 2023. Applications must be submitted by Monday, 31 October.

Leonard William Bakewell Law Scholarship: is a scholarship available for a current Year 12 student, who has accepted a place, whether immediate or reserved, in the law faculty of an Australian university for 2023. Applications must be submitted by Monday, 31 October.

Adelaide Uni Principals’ Scholarship: This scholarship is valued at $5000 for one year, the scholarship will be awarded to one current Year 12 student at the School and will be based on the recommendation of the Headmaster. The Headmaster is able to nominate up to two students from Saints for the scholarship and the University will then decide on the successful recipient in early 2023. Applications must be submitted by Monday, 31 October.

Flinders University:

uniTEST is an aptitude test that has been developed to assess the kinds of generic reasoning and thinking skills that underpin studies at higher education and that are needed for students to be successful at this level. Flinders University will select applicants based on both their Year 12 results (60% weighting toward the ATAR selection rank) and uniTEST results (40%). Flinders will also consider applicants based on their uniTEST results (100%) as a standalone entry score (subject to SACE completion and any course pre-requisites or specific admissions requirements). Students cannot be disadvantaged by participating in uniTEST. Flinders University will only consider their highest selection rank when offering a place. For example, if a student’s ATAR selection rank (inclusive of any adjustment factors) is higher than the combined uniTEST/ATAR selection rank, this will be given priority.

Headstart Scholarship Program and information night

Headstart is a University of Adelaide program that provides high achieving students in Year 12 the opportunity to study at university and have these studies count towards SACE completion and ATAR calculations. While studying at the University part-time, Headstart students also have the opportunity to find out what university life is like before finishing school. For more information on Headstart, please go to Headstart. For current Year 11 students considering this option, it is strongly recommended they attend a Headstart information session on Wednesday 23rd November from 5.30 to 6.30pm Braggs Lecture Theatre, North Terrace Campus. For more details and registrations (registrations are mandatory) go to Headstart session.

Any students intending to apply for Headstart will also need to meet with Dr Roberts-Thomson to discuss their application, review the implications for 2023 school studies and seek his approval.

Charles Allan Seymour Hawker Scholarships

The CAS Hawker Scholarships are one of the most generous privately funded scholarships available to undergraduate and postgraduate students in Australia. Established by Charles Hawker’s sister Lilias Needham, each C.A.S. Hawker Scholarship is valued at up to $60,000.00. Applications open on December 5 2022 and close on Friday 6 January 2023. Applicants are encouraged to apply early. The scholarship is open to students undertaking study at the following institutions: Australian National University, Flinders University, University of Adelaide, Roseworthy College, University of SA, University of New England, Marcus Oldham and University of Cambridge. Selection is largely based on personal qualities and demonstrated leadership as well as academic ability. The C.A.S. Hawker Scholarships perpetuate the memory of parliamentarian, scholar, soldier, pastoralist and statesman Charles Allan Seymour Hawker and commemorate the achievements of one of Australia’s most respected pastoral pioneers. For details, go to Hawker Scholarship or phone 8127 1654.

Studying in the UK

Applications for most UK universities have opened and submitted from the beginning of September 2022. Applications for Oxford, Cambridge and for courses in Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Science closed on the 15 October. Other key dates can be found at UCAS key dates. Students wishing to apply for a full-time undergraduate course at university or college must use the UCAS online service called ‘Apply’. The UCAS application process is outlined at UCAS applications. Students considering tertiary study in the UK will benefit from registering for the UCAS Hub, which will allow students to easily explore tertiary options, commence planning their Personal Statement and provides a ‘to – do’ list.

The School is a registered UCAS Centre. Consequently, the Careers Counsellor will need to guide the applicant for the initial set up of their UCAS application, which includes the issuing of a buzzword to the applicant. This buzzword will allow them to apply and link their applications to the Centre. While the deadline for most UCAS applications is in early January, to guarantee that the all the documentation can be submitted by the School, the UCAS application must be completed by the student by the last day of the school year – Friday 2 December 2022. The British Council provides information and advice on studying in the UK, go to Study UK for this information.

TAFE SA – pathway to Higher Education

TAFE SA is well known for its vocational education and training, but also offers a range of specialised higher education courses. Some of the higher education degrees are offered directly by TAFE SA and some are offered in partnership with universities. TAFE SA is a dual-sector VET/Higher Education provider, thereby offering benefits to higher education students. For more information, go to Higher Education

Torrens University:

Bright Awards: A celebration of creative Year 10, 11 and 12 students, the Bright Awards recognise up-and-coming designers and support the future of the arts in high schools across Australia. Whether you’re just tapping into your talent or keen to show off your well-developed skills, Billy Blue College of Design’s Bright Awards give you the chance to have your work recognised by industry experts. Plus, monetary prizes for both students and schools go towards kick-starting creative dreams. Entries close Nov 4th Here

Careers In Gaming:

Billy Blue College of Design is the home of Design and Creative Technology education in Australia. With the help of META Esports and our extensive industry network, our mission is to turn a passion for gaming into successful professional careers. Here for more info on pathways and degrees

Australian Apprenticeship Support Network:

The below link will take you to the most recent list of vacancies showing the apprenticeships and traineeships currently have available in the state: MEGT

 Ai Group Apprentice and Trainee Centre

Ai Group Apprentice and Trainee Centre is part of a national system with over 35,000 apprentices and trainees in wide and varied trades and employment. We place apprentices and trainees with host organisations across all states and territories, and are a proud partner to more than 200 host organisations including some of Australia’s leading organisations:

Go Here

Podcast series – Graduate In The USA

If you’re interested in studying in the USA, then the EducationUSA podcast series may be of interest. It has just launched and you can listen to Graduate In The USA on your favorite podcast app or visit Graduate in the USA. College experiences in the U.S. are immersive, diverse and life changing, and applying to U.S. colleges can be easy when you know the steps. This series aims to help students, parents and school staff with exclusive insights on topics including the admissions process, college sports and the Australian student perspective. Each episode is a conversation with an expert, from admission personnel to a college sport coach, from athletes to a U.S. Ambassador. Get the inside word on how to give it your best shot, and what life will be like in the U.S. when you get there.