19 June 2020
Australian National University – Talk to an ANU student
Potential students can talk to an ANU student about their application and what it’s like to live and study in Canberra and about transitioning to university and the ways ANU provide support. This can be done by organising a phone or Zoom video call with a current ANU student. If interested, students should register at https://experience.anu.edu.au/ANUStudents?utm_campaign=ASA%202020_. The ANU student will then then get in touch and answer questions about applying to ANU and what it is like to study at ANU.
Tertiary and presentation changes due to the pandemic
The pandemic has severely restricted the outreach of prospective student advisers of universities, TAFE and residential colleges. These institutions have established virtual and online alternatives to the visits have been put in place, and these have been listed on the careers wiki in Keystone. This wiki has a learning resource ID of J8GJY2. These online support and advice sites include how to make enquiries, access to publications and bookings for 1 to 1 online sessions. Year 12s have been strongly encouraged to view this site.
UniSA is offering alternative options to continue engaging with students, including 1:1 appointments. There is an online booking form for Year 12 students and parents to book a phone appointment with a Student Liaison Officer. These are 15 minute appointments aimed to answer any questions students or parents may have around degree information, entry requirements, pathways and the application process. This is a great opportunity for students. The link to book an appointment is: www.unisa.edu.au/schools/appointments
University of Adelaide – alternative entry
The University has indicated that it will be establishing an alternative entry pathway for admission based on Year 11 results. This alternative pathway aims to enable 2020 Year 12 students to apply for entry into the majority of undergraduate degrees based predominantly on their 2019 Year 11 subject results. Should the student be successful, they could receive an offer of admission as early as September, about one month after SATAC applications for this new alternative entry pathway close. The traditional ATAR and subject-based entry pathways will still be available. For more details, please go https://www.adelaide.edu.au/study/undergraduate/year11-entry-pathway/.
UniTEST – Flinders University
uniTEST is an aptitude test that has been designed by ACER to assess the kinds of generic reasoning and thinking skills that are needed for students to achieve success in tertiary education. uniTEST assesses this reasoning and thinking across the broad domains of mathematics, science, humanities and social sciences. At Flinders, uniTEST is available for school leavers and has the potential to effectively improve an applicant’s selection rank as the uniTEST result is weighted at 40% and considered alongside the applicant’s ATAR (weighted at 60%) during the selection processes for Flinders Uni courses. For details about the test, go to https://www.flinders.edu.au/study/pathways/year-12-entry/unitest
Bond University – Scholarships
Bond University’s Scholarship Program offers a number of full-fee and part-fee tuition remission scholarships. These scholarships are available to students who show leadership, academic excellence, sporting prowess, community involvement or ‘all round’ abilities. Scholarships available include:
- Vice-Chancellor’s Elite Scholarship
- Bond University Indigenous Scholarship
- Sporting Scholarships
- Excellence Scholarship
- Leadership Scholarship
For scholarship and application details, please go to – https://bond.edu.au/future-students/study-bond/how-apply/scholarships.
The scholarship applications have different closing dates, usually between 9 August and 6 September.
Bond with Bond
The Bond with Bond event is for interested students and their families to explore the prospect of studying at Bond. The session will cover the Bond differences, programs, applications, scholarships, student experience as well as give students some tips on what to look for in all of their University options.
Date: Wednesday 24 June
Time: 5:30pm
Zoom Link: https://bond.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMkcu2sqzMrGNUj5cJ1migvdrPL6g-_xrir
Potential participants are encouraged to register in advance via the link above.
University of Adelaide – one to one zoom interviews
The University has a new online booking system to allow students to book 1:1 Zoom meetings with a Student Recruitment Officer to discuss study options, subject selections and career options. Ms Jess Perry is the School’s liaison officer and will be able to address any questions. To book a session, please go to https://calendly.com/jess-perry/student-appointment.
University of Adelaide – Uni verse and parent information session
The University has developed a podcast for future students to gain an insight into university life. Details can be found at: https://www.adelaide.edu.au/study/uni-verse/
For parents, caregivers and families of high school students, the University will be running several online information session in June in several areas, including the transition to university. For details and registration, please go to https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/parents-information-session-tickets-103494705450.
Monash University Information Evenings – webinar
Monash Information Evenings are an opportunity for parents and students to have their questions answered on undergraduate study at Monash. These events will now be run as webinars until the end of June. Register to attend a date that’s convenient to learn about:
- Monash courses
- How to apply and access schemes
- Student life
- Accommodation options
For details and registrations, please go to https://www.monash.edu/information-evenings
The University has also established a hub for information on courses and potential students can also book a 1 to 1 session with an adviser. Details are available at: https://www.monash.edu/y12hub
The University of NSW Co-op scholarship
The Co-op Program is a career development scholarship for high potential undergraduate students. It offers industry training, leadership and professional development, networking opportunities, mentoring and financial support of $19,600 p.a. tax free for up to four years. Australia’s leading companies take part in the training and professional development of the Co-op scholars with a view to recruiting high-potential young professionals. The scholarship is offered for study in many areas, including engineering, science and business. More details can be found at https://www.coop.unsw.edu.au/. Applications (https://www.coop.unsw.edu.au/apply) close on 30 September. The latest brochure can also be accessed here: https://www.coop.unsw.edu.au/sites/default/files/download/2021_Co-op_Brochure.pdf. The application may require applicants to prepare a short video ‘snapshot’ presentation. A School contribution is also required, so any boys intending to apply need to see Mr Colsey in the first instance.
Western Sydney University: alternative entry
Due to the pandemic, Western Sydney University is establishing an alternative entry pathway for admission to the University based on Year 11 or Year 12 results. Called the HSC True Reward Early Offer Program. Students interested in the program will need to register with the University. Details can be found at https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/future/study/application-pathways/hsc-true-reward.html?cid=em:2020myid-CSLpi-invite-trlp.
University of Tasmania: School’s Recommendation Program
The University of Tasmania has introduced a School’s Recommendation Program. This program is to ensure that students are not disadvantaged by any challenges they face this year. The program aims to give students confidence in completing year 12 and receiving a university place in 2021. Students can apply now directly to the University of Tasmania and be considered for this program. The School will then submit additional information required. Please note: not all degrees are covered by this program. For more information, please go to:https://www.utas.edu.au/undergraduate-study/your-path-to-2021
Studying in the UK
Applications for most UK universities can be commenced now and submitted from the beginning of September 2020. Applications for Oxford, Cambridge and for courses in Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Science close on the 15 October. Other key dates can be found at www.ucas.com/apply/key-dates. Students wishing to apply for a full-time undergraduate course at university or college must use the UCAS online service called ‘Apply’. Apply is a secure, web-based application system which is available 24 hours a day. The UCAS application process is outlined at https://www.ucas.com/undergraduate/applying-university/ucas-undergraduate-getting-started. Students considering tertiary study in the UK will benefit from registering for the UCAS Hub (https://www.ucas.com/what-are-my-options/create-your-ucas-hub-today) which will allow students to easily explore tertiary options, commence planning their Personal Statement and provides a ‘to – do’ list.
The School is a registered UCAS Centre. Consequently, the Careers Counsellor will need to guide the applicant for the initial set up of their UCAS application, which includes the issuing of a buzzword to the applicant. This buzzword will allow them to apply and link their applications to the Centre. While the deadline for most UCAS applications is in early January, to guarantee that the all the documentation can be submitted by the School, the UCAS application must be completed by the student by the last day of the school year – Friday 4 December 2020. The British Council provides information and advice on studying in the UK, go to www.educationuk.org/Higher-Education for this information. There are also numerous resources available to prospective students and their parents on Keystone – learning resource ID of 8WPSZ9.
International House – University of Melbourne Residential College
For students who are considering studying at the University of Melbourne and may require residential accommodation, International House is a residential college associated with the University. International House has produced a video that introduces the College and the residential offerings available. This can be accessed at https://cloudstor.aarnet.edu.au/plus/s/NwBcByWblTNaEIF
Other videos about the College can be found here: https://ihouse.unimelb.edu.au/meet-our-residents
International Student Admission Test – ISAT
International students currently studying in Australia and who are considering applying for Medicine and/or Dentistry at some institutions in Australia, will need to sit the ISAT. ISAT is a three-hour computer based test that is held in several cycles at various times during the year. However, applicants MUST check with each institution to determine their deadline for the ISAT results. The following institutions use the ISAT:
- Monash University, Melbourne – Medicine
- Monash University, Malaysian campus – Medicine
- University of New South Wales (UNSW) – Medicine
- University of Queensland – Medicine
- University of Tasmania – Medicine
- University of Western Australia (UWA) – pathway to Medicine & Dentistry
- University of Western Sydney (UWS) – Medicine
For more information on the ISAT go to https://isat.acer.edu.au/about-isat
Le Cordon Bleu
Le Cordon Bleu Australia is offering new Higher Education Certificate qualifications. For a limited time, students who sign up will be eligible for a scholarship at 50% off the original unit price. FEE-HELP is also available for all domestic students (minus the 25% government administration fee, if you apply before December 2020). Pay as you go options are also available for both domestic and international students. The Higher Education Certificates will be delivered online only, with no on-campus component, and are fully accredited by the Australian Government. This means that completion of the Certificates will give graduates both a Higher Education qualification and full credit for completed units into degrees offered by Le Cordon Bleu Australia and potentially other higher education institutions, including universities. For more details, go to https://www.cordonbleu.edu/australia/higher-education-certificates/en.
Course Seeker is a new Australian Government initiative that aims to help students gain Australian tertiary information to assist them to make informed decisions about future study options. The website provides access to information on ATARs, prerequisites and enrolment policies. Information has been sourced from across Australia and presented in a nationally consistent and comparable format to improve the transparency across the higher education sector. Courseseeker can be accessed at: https://www.courseseeker.edu.au/
Mark Colsey
Careers Counsellor