08 February 2018
Collegians’ Careers Evening
Tuesday 20 March 2018, Memorial Hall, commencing at 7.30pm
With generous support from old scholars, parents and friends of the School, the Careers Evening is being held again this year. The evening is aimed at boys in Year 10 and 11, and all Year 10 students are expected to attend as the evening is an integral part of their Personal Learning Plan. Year 12 boys are most welcome and would benefit from speaking to practitioners about their careers. More details will be provided closer to the date, but in the meantime, please save the date.
UMAT 2018
The Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test (UMAT) is used by many tertiary institutions as a part of their undergraduate selection processes for medicine, dentistry and other allied health courses. In a change to previous years, registrations for students to sit the UMAT can be made now. Registrations are required by 5.00pm on 1 June 2018 and must be done online.
Before registering, applicants are required to read the information book available on the ACER website and view the UMAT registration tutorial. Applications for special testing conditions must be made by 16 June with the test being held on 25 July 2018. The UMAT is available to any candidate whose educational level at the time of sitting the test is their final year of secondary schooling or higher. Candidates found to have sat the UMAT in Year 11 will have their results cancelled and be permanently banned form sitting the UMAT. Applicants are reminded that on the test day they will be required to show one form of photo ID. The requirements are below:
- A current passport
- Current driver’s licence or learner’s permit (with photo)
- Current photo-bearing keypass, proof of age card or 18+ card (commercial ID preparation programs)
View http://umat.acer.edu.au/register/identification for more details. Please note that certified letters of identification from schools, employers or other institutions are no longer acceptable.
International Student Admission Test (ISAT)
International students currently studying in Australia and who are considering applying for medicine, dentistry, veterinary science or physiotherapy at some institutions in Australia, will need to sit the ISAT. The ISAT is a three-hour computer-based test that can be held at various times during the year, but applicants must check with each institution to determine the deadline for their ISAT results:
- Monash University – medicine
- Monash University (Malaysian campus) – medicine
- Flinders University, undergrad pathway to medicine
- University of New South Wales – medicine
- University of Queensland – medicine and dentistry
- University of Sydney – veterinary science
- University of Tasmania – medicine
- University of Western Australia – pathway to medicine and dentistry
- University of Western Sydney – medicine
Find out more on the ISAT website.
Auction Idol
Auction Idol is a competition run by the Society of Auctioneers and Appraisers in South Australia. Participants are instructed in auctioneering principles and the practical aspects of conducting an auction will be taught by the mentor from the society. The competition provides an insight into the profession and develops a number of related skills such as public speaking and thinking on your feet. Year 10, 11 or 12 boys interested in real estate careers or who want to improve their public speaking and communication skills would benefit from participating in the competition. The students will be coached by some of the leading auctioneers and real-estate identities in Adelaide and it is not a long-term or time-consuming commitment. For more information, please contact Mark Colsey House on MColsey@stpeters.sa.edu.au or 8404 046.
Mark Colsey, Careers Counsellor