“God help us to change. To change ourselves and to change our world. To know the need for it. To deal with the pain of it. To feel the joy of it. To undertake the journey without understanding the destination. The art of gentle revolution. Amen.” Michael Leunig in When I Talk to You.
A good friend recently gave me a copy of Michael Leunig’s book of prayers: a farewell gift from a kindred spirit. At the beginning, Leunig writes that he wrote the prayers originally for publication in Melbourne’s Sunday Age newspaper. He wanted to revitalise the idea of prayer for those who had abandoned it or never considered it at all.
Now is you and your son’s chance to revitalise your prayer life.
Confirmation and Admission to Communion
I am writing to invite you to register your son for the Confirmation program, which will commence in Term 3. Confirmation is the sacramental service in the Anglican Church, during which the Bishop prays that the person will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The person confirms’the promises made at their Baptism (Christening).
For boys who were baptised as infants or young children, it is a chance to make the Christian promises for themselves. (I am able to baptise any student who was not baptised as a young child.) For all people it is a sign of belonging to the wider Church, represented by the Bishop. It is a symbol of growing in the Christian faith.
At St Peter’s College, Confirmation also prepares students to receive Holy Communion at our Senior School Eucharist (Holy Communion services) on Maundy Thursday and St Peter’s Day, as well as in parish churches on any Sunday. We also hold a fortnightly Sunday evening Eucharist during term time for the Boarders.
The Confirmation Service this year is Tuesday 24 September in St Peter’s College Chapel at 7.00 pm with Archbishop Geoff Smith.
If your son has not yet been confirmed and you would like to register him, or if you have any questions about Confirmation in the Anglican Church, please email me at: chaplains@stpeters.sa.edu.au
The Reverend Dr Theo McCall
School Chaplain