05 May 2023
During the April school holidays our St Peter’s College 1st XVIII football squad travelled to Melbourne to build on strong connections with Melbourne Grammar School’s 1st XVIII players and their families. The boys played a match, which since 2013, has been played in honour of Richard ‘Dick’ Potter who passed in 2022. Dick attended Melbourne Grammar as a student and taught at SPSC for 35 years from 1952 – 1986. His sons attended the school during this time.
In what is a great example of healthy intercollegiate rivalry, 2023 marks the 114th year that this football match has been played between SPSC and MGS. The match proved to be a tight pre-season hit out with SPSC narrowly defeating Melbourne Grammar School by one goal to proudly return the Dick Potter Cup to the School. Congratulations to Jett Hasting (Year 11) who was voted best on ground for the match.
The boys were billeted by MGS families during their stay, they completed a range of team bonding and education activities, while also spending down time with both schools. Importantly, the boys developed new friendships that will last long into their post-school years.