03 August 2018
One of the issues confronting both Schools and families when raising adolescents who are transitioning into young adults, is the demands of a growing social activity and party attendance. No doubt parents are consistently confronted with boys wanting to take part and attend each of the significant events being held across the year.
It is no secret that young adolescents and young adults alike are confronted with choices around drugs and alcohol. It would be naive to think that our students are immune from pressures around these issues hence we are keen to confront such issues in partnership with our parent community.
In addition to our curriculum offerings in subjects such as Health and Physical Education, RAVE and Positive Education, we have engaged Mr Paul Dillon, renowned expert in the field of young people and parties, drugs and alcohol, to speak to our most senior students in Years 10 -12 on Friday 10 August.
You can find more information about Paul and the various programs via this link:
Paul Dillon – Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia
This is a tremendous opportunity for parents to have an open and honest conversation about their sons’ experiences. It is a fantastic opportunity to ask the boys what was specifically discussed at the presentations, and to hear how the boys relate and react to the content.
The School is also holding a Parent Night from 7pm on Friday 10 August in Memorial Hall where Paul Dillon will present to parents on the very same issues. I strongly encourage every parent to attend this very worthwhile discussion about what issues his or her sons are likely to be regularly facing on weekends. This will be particularly helpful in light of the recent changes to laws in South Australia and the responsibility of parents hosting parities with underage people and alcohol. While Paul will be presenting to our Year 10-12 students during the day, all families of the Senior School from Year 7-12 are more than welcome to attend this important presentation.
This presentation is free to attend, but we do ask that you respond via the TryBooking link below so we can ascertain numbers attending.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me on 8404 0423 or via email at dscott@stpeters.sa.edu.au.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Mr David Scott
Head of Senior Years