Is there a better sound than a playground full of school children engaging in fun and games and all that is to be enjoyed after a long summer break? I think not. It has been terrific to finally see the campus full of energy and aspiration as the students returned and the classrooms are bursting with participation. Once again, thank you for your continued warm welcome and assistance in orientation.
As all parents commence the new school year, please spare a thought for those families new to St Peter’s College and in the midst of a transition. Welcome! In particular, those families which are new to boarding. Regardless of the distance, it is a long drive and in some cases flight home, after dropping your child at the Boarding House for the first time and you begin to establish a new, temporarily separated, family dynamic. Boarding is at the heart of our School and we look forward to embracing and learning from the diversity that boarding families bring to our local community.
During this last week I have visited many classrooms and student activities. Undertaking the same tasks that our students are challenged with is always a great introduction and leveller. I enjoyed re-learning how to write the letter ‘a’ in Miss Joanna Tierney’s Reception class. This was an intense task for the young boys, and they took it very seriously. My activities spanned the School and also included the measurement of acceleration due to gravity in Year 12 IB Physics with Mr Karl Grice. At every Year level, I was pleased to see an energetic commitment to learning by students and a preparedness to try something new. These are essential attributes for every learner. What was also overwhelmingly obvious was the teachers’ commitment and passion for the lesson and students in every class I attended.
There has also been an opportunity to speak to the boys en masse in both the Junior and Senior School at the leadership muster and assembly. Congratulations to Indran Mukherjee and Seb Cardone who have been commissioned as Captain and Vice Captain of St Peter’s College for 2018. Congratulations also to George Wicks and Henry Robertson who were formally installed as Captain and Vice Captain of the Junior School.

Headmaster, Tim Browning with Reception student, Lachlan Bell.
An early message I have put out to Senior Students is “embrace your inner nerd”. Even though it is not overtly expressed, every boy I have ever taught has always wanted to do better at School, even when times were tough. Our St Peter’s College culture must have academic endeavour at its heart. I have been reassured that it is certainly there by both students and staff, so I will be seeking to uncover, promote and amplify the habits of nerdiness that already exist across the various student cohorts. The path to academic advancement is a marathon, not a sprint so habits of excellence must be routinely practised.
Finally, I draw your attention to the recipients of the Young Exhibition for the Dux of the School, Isaac Tennant and Andrew Zhang. We look forward celebrating their success and the success of their peers at muster next week. I’d like to congratulate rowers Ed Badger and Angus Dawson who have been selected for the Interstate Men’s Youth Eight Championship and James Andrewartha who was selected for the Pathway Men’s Eights. I’d also like to congratulate Samuel Warrick who has been chosen to represent School Sport SA at the forthcoming School Sport Australia 15 and under cricket championships.
Tim Browning, Headmaster