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This week Immanuel College hosted the Inaugural South Australian Ethics Olympiad 2019 with Saints represented by two teams.

An Ethics Olympiad is a competitive and collaborative event in which students analyse and discuss real-life, timely, ethical issues. An Ethics Olympiad differs from debatingas that students are not assigned opposing views; rather, they defend whatever position they believe is right and demonstrate they have thought more carefully and deeply about the cases in question.

During the day, teams from 14 schools were involved in a series of three Ethics Olympiad heats. Scores were determined by a criterion of clarity, concise, and respectful discourse around interesting ethical cases. At the end of the day the finalists, Cornerstone College and St Peters Girls, competed for the gold and silver medals. Our grey team came third receiving a bronze medal.

Both our teams did incredibly well. This event encourages and helps students develop ethical awareness, critical thinking skills, civil discourse, civic engagement and an appreciation for diverse points of view.

A big thank you to the students for preparing in their own time and special thanks to Dr Simon Roberts-Thomson for all his support and valuable guidance.

Carmen Bester