21 September 2021
The boys from Reception to Year 6 have been working hard this term to learn various set poems for the South Australian French Teachers’ Association (SAFTA), annual French Poetry Competition. Mlle Fanny Sebban very kindly gave up her time to assist in the selection of the finalists. Many boys successfully reached the semi-finals stage. The boys recited with much verve and expression.
The students who were chosen to represent St Peter’s College were then filmed reciting the various poems. Mme Marcia McLachlan and Miss Julia Procopio made two movies, which were submitted to the judging panel. “Bonne Chance les garçons”. Goodluck boys!
Our Years 1 and 2 students and I have been busy rehearsing our French item for their concert. We performed our French Alphabet songs in Week 10.
We were very pleased that some talented Year 10 students, who created French books for us on their laptops, came to visit in Week 9 of this term. They shared the French books they had created with some of the Year 3 boys from 3R and 3B. We then had a delicious afternoon tea to celebrate working together. ‘Merci’ to Madame Castrechini-Sutton and her Year 10 students. The Year 10 students had put a lot of effort into writing and creating their French stories.
Marcia McLachlan
Junior School French Teacher