23 February 2018
The first language theme of 2018 is “la table et le petit-déjeuner” (the table and breakfast).
Meals are a very important part of French life. Food is appreciated and given plenty of time in the daily routine. Lively family discussions occur at meal times, and sharing food with one’s family and close relatives is an important part of French family life. French families spend on average around an hour seated at the table.
The culture, vocabulary and phrases associated with the breakfast table setting and breakfast foods will be our focus for this term. We will also learn and extend our French greetings and numbers.
The boys have already learnt about some recent French cultural events, for example La Galette des Rois (6 January celebrations), Mardi Gras (Shrove Tuesday), the carnival in Nice and la fête du Citron (Lemon Festival) in Menton.
French lessons are held on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Each class receives two lessons a week. The French room is located in the Junior Primary building.
French ‘show and tell’ is an important part of each lesson and all boys are encouraged to participate. Each year we are able to have many discussions around the fascinating objects that have been shared in French class.
Madame Marcia McLachlan