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The Year 9 French Jeux des Olympiques (Mini Olympics) was held this week in the Burchnall Sports Centre. The students enjoyed the afternoon of sporting activities. They have been learning about the history of the Olympic Games and France’s involvement in the modern Olympics as a promoter of equality, freedom, and peace on the world stage. They studied values and symbolism of the games and considered the impact on individual athletes, countries and the world.


First FRANCE 193
Third MAROC 166
Fourth CAMEROUNE 164
Fifth SUISSE 137
Seventh BELGIQUE 130
Eight CHAD 117
Ninth CANADA 110
Tenth NIGER 107
Winner of the Tug of war playoff MADAGASCAR

It is always our intention in languages, and particularly in French, to give the students an opportunity to widen their horizons, not only through the study of the French language and culture, but also through the experience, collaboration, and consideration of other disciplines.

Thank you to all teachers involved for helping out.

Irene Castrechini-Sutton
Coordinator of French