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Each year the students of French are encouraged to learn poems set by the South Australian French Teacher’s Association as part of the annual “Grand Concours de la Poésie Recitée” Competition. All the boys practice their French poems during class and strive to become semi-finalists and ultimately finalists. The students who reach the finals are filmed and submitted for judging. Our students compete against other school children that study French in South Australia.

The St Peter’s College finalists this year were Kenneth Jiao and Hamilton Ooi from Reception W, Mingzu Lu from 1R, Sonny Carter, Jack Eckermann and James Guo from 2W, Abraham Lee and Dylon Athudawa from Year 3, Remi Bizot and Fred Bouchard from Year 4 and Hugo Junin, Advik Sinkar and Ryan Li from Year 5.

Congratulations, “Félicitations” to all these finalists.

Bonne Chance, Good Luck.

Mme Marcia McLachlan, Ms Julia Procopio, Ms Hanna