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Term 3 has been extremely eventful and busy for us as Captains thus far. We’ve had the White & Blue Ball, two Spectator’s Cup events, the annual Gig @ The Gov, and the much-anticipated Blue Week. It’s been an exciting time, and we’re thrilled to finally be able to share with the wider SPSC community.  

The White & Blue Ball was a fun night filled with laughter and joy. Though our roles were small, we were delighted to be able to greet the guests at the door and listen to how excited they were to dress-up in a formal setting. A lot of them gave us stories and reflections of their own Blue & White, and we heard many funny tales from their youth.  

On Wednesday and Saturday, our boys supported our First Rugby and Basketball squads respectively. It was fantastic to see how many boys were out to support our teams in their important matches. After two electrifying wins, the amount of support and camraderie was incredible, and everyone could see the positive effect the encouragement of our boys had on the players. These two events were really effective lead-ins for the Intercols during Week 5, so we’re very eager to see how they turn out next week.  

On Thursday 10 August, the SPSC community was finally about to hear our Jazz Bands, Groups and Choirs perform at the annual Gig @ The Gov. The two hours of performance was fantastic, and all the boys performed to a high standard and to the best of their ability. In particular, we were thrilled to hear the Junior School Band perform again (certainly a highlight of the night!). Thank you to Max Campbell (Year 6) for his electric solo of ‘Never Tear Us Apart’. Additionally, another shout out to Johnny Turner (Year 11) for his incredible solo on the electric keyboard during the Jazz Combo set. We’ve never heard anything like it, so it was a unique and enlightening experience.  

Finally, Week 4 is the advent of Blue Week. After much preparation from us, we are extremely happy to release it to the SPSC community. Starting with Muffins with your Mentor each morning, the boys were able to discuss the positive aspects of mental health strategies in an attempt to reduce the stigma around men’s mental health. We were also able to host a Staff vs Student Family Feud on Tuesday, to much success, before being visited by Mr Stan Grant on Wednesday. Mr Grant’s moving tales and speeches were awe-inspiring to hear, and we are extremely grateful for him giving up his time. Blue Week will end with the annual Battle of the Bands, an event which every boy is excited for.  

Though this term has begun with a roaring start, we look ahead to the Intercol Week and the Blue & White at the end of the Term. As always, our door is always open, so please contact us through Instagram (@saintscaptains) or through email if you have any questions or queries.  

Thomas Hamilton-Smith and Aidan Hua
School Captains