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The focus of my reflection this fortnight is to invite you to register your son for the Confirmation program this term.

This program is open to all students from Years 6 to 12.

As part of the preparation, this term all Year 6 students will be learning about “Anglican Identity” in the Religious and Values Education (RAVE) curriculum. This builds on the Year 5 students’ focus on Baptism and Holy Communion. However, the program is open to Senior School students as well.

During the service of Confirmation, the bishop blesses the student being confirmed and prays that he will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Confirmation is a symbol of growing in the Christian faith. It is a chance for the student being confirmed to “confirm” (recommit) themselves to the promises made at his baptism.

For those students who have not previously been admitted to Holy Communion, Confirmation includes preparation to receive Holy Communion.

This year the Assistant Bishop of Adelaide (Bishop Denise) will confirm the students at a special service in week 10, Monday 25 September at 2.00pm in Memorial Hall.

For more information or to register your son for Confirmation, please email me at:

The Reverend Dr Theo McCall
School Chaplain