13 August 2021
The Blue of Sancti Petri Schola Collegiata
I would like to thank our Year 12 Blue Group Captains – Alex Karytinos and Arthur Drayton – for their work not just in preparation for Blue Week and in planning a range of meaningful activities, but also for their leadership of Blue Group across the year.
Blue Group is a student-led initiative, which provides an opportunity for students to put forward their views on student life at St Peter’s College. I reminded students in Muster this week that the ‘Blue’ in Blue Group is not a reference to feeling ‘blue’. It is the ‘blue’ of Sancti Petri Schola Collegiata – the same ‘blue’ as in the Blue & White; the ‘blue’ on the Sir George Murray Shield, which hangs prominently in the Deputy Headmaster’s Office; and the same ‘blue’ as some refer to in Old Scholars who “bleed blue” – such is their connection to – and love of – the School.
The Blue Group, therefore, is a group for St Peter’s College, and it is intended to be a reflection of – and a reflection on – student life and community at St Peter’s College. In the Neolithic days of hunter-gatherer tribes, the purpose of a group was fundamentally to take care of people and provide safety, and the Blue Group works to these principles. Indeed, through the work of the Blue Group, that is supported by Head of Wellbeing, Mr Inman, I am convinced that the biggest impact on students’ wellbeing is other students. How great to think that the support that any one student needs is all around him every day. This would be true in any school, I am sure, but I know that, at St Peter’s College, we are actively guiding our students to embrace this responsibility – of looking out for the wellbeing of others first.
In Blue Week Muster, School Captain, Sam Jackson, introduced our guest speaker, Brendan Cullen, who inspired all with an authentic and hopeful message of service. Sharing his own journey of personal challenges, Brendon found purpose in helping others through his work with Flying Doctors, Lifeline and the ‘We’ve got your back’ program. One particular comment that Brendon made resonated in Memorial Hall. He said that his support of others ‘helps me as much as it helps them’. I reflected that the many students who have led or been involved in acts of service so far this year would wholeheartedly agree – that helping others makes them feel better about themselves. This highlights the purpose of Service, as both a key program and core value at St Peter’s College.
Special thanks to the boys who accompanied Ms Skujins and representatives of our Mission Guild to the Magdalen Centre last Saturday night. If, as I do, you would like your son/s to benefit from the same experience – of serving others with all the benefits that this promotes – please email kskujins@stpeters.sa.edu.au directly.
As well as a variety of student-led activities this week, Blue Week has been enriched by both the Senior Play – She Returns – and the musical showcase of Jazz@The Gov. Both events delivered artistic performances of outstanding quality, reflecting the dedication and commitment of all students and staff involved.
At Jazz@The Gov, Director of Music, Philip Walsh, gave each of his Year 12 musicians a medal of appreciation and a moment in the spotlight to share with the audience their musical journey at St Peter’s College. Indeed, the very nature and composition of jazz gives all participants a similar opportunity to be seen and recognised through its solo riffs and improvisations. No wonder there was such a positive sense of fulfilment on the part of students in all years throughout the evening. Thank you to all band directors, not just for their ear and eye for detail, but also for setting an environment in their respective rehearsal spaces for each student to thrive. This is what St Peter’s College is all about.
Marcus Blackburn
Deputy Headmaster/Head of Senior School