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It was a joy to see our Junior Primary students participating in their Sports Day last Thursday. Thanks to the parents, siblings and friends who came out to support the boys as they threw, jumped, hopped, and sprinted on a perfectly sunny morning. It was a wonderful opportunity to connect with community and enjoy a coffee generously sponsored by the Foundation.

Congratulations to the Year 3 students who performed in their Annual Concert on Wednesday last week. What is worth mentioning is that this concert was not a showcase of our auditioned ensembles or elite musicians, but a celebration of music curriculum covered by all students in Year 3. The boys can be very proud of the way in which they worked together under the leadership of our wonderful music team of Sharon Campbell, Katie Carey and Simon Varga. A special mention to our Year 3 teachers for being guest performers in the finale with their perfect percussion!

We also enjoyed hosting girls from St Peter’s Girls School, Wilderness School, Walford Anglican School for Girls and Seymour College at a Year 6 Social on Friday night. It was excellent to see our students making connections with our partner schools whilst enjoying the DJ, outdoor games, Year 5 and 6 Rock Bands and a pizza dinner.

We still have four weeks of the term remaining. For some it may feel like we are close to the end of the year, and we can relax our behaviour and the effort we are putting into our schoolwork. Know that we are an exceptional community of learning, our expectations remain high, and we still have so much to achieve in the coming weeks.

Jasmine Taylor
Deputy Headmaster / Head of Junior School

Important Upcoming Events

11 November, 8.30amYear 6 Camp – 6P, 6C, 6SSouth Coast
11 November, 9.00-10.00amP and Rec – Orientation and Parent SessionFunction Space
11 November, 10.45-11.15amRemembrance Day ServiceMem Hall Lawns
11 November, 5.30pm – 8.30pmChamber RecitalsJS Hall, Shinkfield Building, Higgins Hall, Junior School Function Area, Big School Room
12 November, 9.30-11.30amNew Student Testing – Years 3 and 4Function Space
13 November, 9.30-11.30amNew Student Testing – Years 5 and 6Function Space
14 November, 8.45-10.00amYear 6 SS Tour – Current FamiliesSenior School
15 November, 8.45am3 to 6 AssemblyMem Hall
15 November, 11.30-12.30pmYear 4s attending Yr 9 Drama performanceDrama Centre
15 November, 2.30pmP to Year 2 AssemblyMem Hall
18 November, 8.45amYear 6 Camp – 6P, 6C, 6SSouth Coast
18 November, 9.00amP and Rec – Orientation VisitFunction Space
21 November, 6.00pmYear 4 Band ConcertMem Hall
22 November, 9.00amChamber Strings Service DayVarious Hospitals
23 November, 5.30-7.30pmYear 2 End of Year CelebrationCrocs Play Café
24 November, 12.30-4.30pmYear 4 End of Year CelebrationBundeys Paddock