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I would like to thank you for the warm welcome I have received from the Saints community in my first week at the School.

Last week I shared my commissioning service with 151 new Year 7 boys, 56 new students in other year groups, 18 new boarders and 16 new staff who, like me, now call Saints home.

Knowing that many classes have been playing the game of two truths and one lie in getting to know their new classmates, I offered the boys my contribution:

  • Truth or lie 1: I speak Welsh and grew up in the small Welsh village with the longest place name in the world “Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch”.
  • Truth or lie 2: I created a video on YouTube that has almost half a million views.
  • Truth or lie 3: There is an Eight in the Saints Rowing fleet named after my great grandfather and old scholar, Arthur Seaforth Blackburn.

My aim was to give the students a reason to connect with me and I have been delighted (and impressed) with the number of boys who have approached me in the last few days to guess the answer. I look forward to more conversations and a successful partnership with you in the term ahead.

Please feel free contact me at any time.

Marcus Blackburn
Deputy Headmaster/Head of Senior School