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It has been a positive start to Term 3 with Prep students starting their Junior School journey, Year 2 students visiting Adelaide Oval, a celebration of the 100th day of school and the opening of an exceptional Junior School Art Exhibition being but a few of the past fortnight’s highlights.

Learning Behaviours

In Assembly last Friday, I asked students if they had seen or read their Semester 1 Report, and in particular how many noticed the Learning Behaviours graph beside each of the subject areas.

I drew the boys’ attention to this area of their report as I want students to know that it isn’t just the grade they get for a Significant Assessment Task (SAT) that is important, but the way in which they behave toward their learning is too.

I have asked the boys to think about how accountable they are for their own learning: Do they use the feedback they are given to improve? Are they organised for their lessons and ready to learn? Do they look for extra challenges in their learning?

Do they demonstrate cooperation by working productively and positively with others, respecting their peers and the learning environment?

Do they show that they are engaged by actively participating in lessons?

It was excellent to see so many boys put their hand up to indicate they had read their report. If you haven’t shared your son’s report with him, I encourage you to do so, and at the same time talk with him about his accountability, cooperation and engagement. We want our students to work towards demonstrating positive learning behaviours consistently, and not just to have it reflected in their Semester 2 report, but to positively impact learning progress and attainment too.

Jasmine Taylor
Head of Junior School

Dates for the Diary

Date Time Event Location
Thu 11 Aug 8.45am Year 3 Showcase Year 3 Classrooms
Thu 11 Aug 10.45am Winter House Games

Years 3 to 6

Various JS Locations
Fri 12 Aug 8.45am Years 3 to 6 Assembly Memorial Hall
Fri 12 Aug 2.30pm Prep to Year 2 Assembly Memorial Hall
Mon 15 Aug 8.45am – 3.00pm State Robotic Competition Junior School Hall and Function Space
Wed 17 Aug 9.00am ABODA SA

Junior School String Orchestra

Thu 18 Aug 9.00am ABODA SA

Junior School Concert Band
