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It was an absolute pleasure to welcome grandparents and special friends onto the campus this week for a special Junior School Assembly followed by classroom visits and morning tea.

The boys thoroughly enjoyed sharing school life with their visitors through assembly items, classroom visits and even FaceTime calls with overseas grandparents and family.

Jay Kesler, author of the book ‘Grandparenting: the agony and the ecstasy” says “Young people need something stable to hang on to — a culture connection, a sense of their own past, and a hope for their own future.” Evidence of how true this statement is, was in abundance across the Junior School on Thursday.

Preparatory 2022

In Term 3 we are introducing an alternative pathway into Reception to cater for boys who are developmentally ready for a more structured approach to learning. The Prep curriculum is developed from Australian Curriculum, with a focus on early literacy and numeracy, as well as specialist Art, Music, Language, PE  and Library lessons delivered over five days each week during the Junior School day (8.35am – 3.00pm).

Today we welcomed 16 boys for their first transition visit as they prepare to commence Prep in Term 3.

For more information about joining Prep in 2023 and eligibility please contact Amanda Bruce, Admissions Manager via Additionally click here to view a summary our Early Years and Junior School programs.

Wishing you all a lovely long weekend.

Jasmine Taylor
Head of Junior School

Diary Dates

Date Time Event Location
Monday 13 June    Queens Birthday Public Holiday   
Thursday 16 June    Open Morning   
Friday 17 June  8.45am  Reception to Year 6 Assembly Hosted by Year 3  Memorial Hall 
  1.00pm  Anglican Charities Day
Hosted by Year 6
Reception to Year 6
Various Locations 
Tuesday 21 June  8.45am  Bastille Day Celebration
Reception to Year 6
Da Costa Dining Hall 
Saturday 25 June  6.30pm  JSFOS Quiz Night  Junior School Hall 
Tuesday 28 June  1.30pm  Years 5 and 6 Concert Matinee Performance  Memorial Hall 
  2.45pm  Mission Guild Pop Up Uniform Shop  North Terrace Car Park 
  7.00pm  Years 5 and 6 Concert Matinee Performance  Memorial Hall 
Friday 1 July  8.45am  Reception to Year 6 Assembly  Memorial Hall 
  2.00pm  Year 2 Toy Expo  Function Space 
  3.00pm/3.15pm  Term 2 Concludes