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Adelaide continues to be our classroom…

Where we are in place and in time continues to be something to be grateful for at St Peter’s College. In the last month our boys have been able to engage in learning outside of the walls and fields of our school. The Year 1 students have ventured to Glenelg to look at the concept of change; looking at shifting tides as well as pollution and sustainability (with the bonus of fish and chips at the seaside!). A convoy of Year 2 students have set out to explore buildings of significance focusing particularly on Adelaide Oval. Religious and Values Education has been physically tangible for Year 4 students this week; the boys visited St Peter’s Cathedral to expand their knowledge of what it means to be Anglican. The learning our Year 5 students have been doing around animal adaptations was reinforced with an excursion to the Adelaide Zoo on Thursday. To be able to report on four memorable excursions at a time when a large proportion of our nation are in lockdown is truly exceptional and something of which we are truly grateful!

 Junior School Friends of Saints  

On the first Monday of every month the Junior School Friends of Saints (JSFoS) Committee members meet.

This week I was incredibly impressed with the activity reported by the Community Liaisons. From ELC to Year 6, the level of engagement from our parent community is outstanding.

The ELC held a Fathers’ Day family picnic and playdate at Marshmallow Park last weekend. The Year 1 Father & Son camp held on Saturday 21 August at West Beach Caravan Park had an amazing turnout of 53 participants. 47 Year 2 parents are attending a dinner at Prohibition on Saturday 17 September. A Year 3 Coffee Morning is planned for the coming weeks and Year 4 Mums will be lunching at 2KW on Saturday this weekend. Look out for upcoming Year 5 events as the Father-Son event was postponed. Year 6 Mums have lunched at 2KW and Year 6 Dads are planning a catch up at the Feathers Hotel on 18 September. A Year 6 ‘Bottle and Plate’ night is also booked for 23 October.

Thank you to the Year Level Representatives and the JSFoS for their genuine commitment to friend raising at St Peter’s College.

If you would like to catch up with other Junior School parents, please join JSFoS for a coffee morning prior to the Year 3 to 6 Athletics Carnival:

When:  8.30am – 9.00am, Thursday 23 September 2021
Where: Junior School Function Space

The JSFoS look forward to welcoming the Junior School community.

Dates for the Diary

Date Time Event Location
Mon 13 September  8.45am – 3.00pm RAA Street Smart, Reception to Year 2 North Terrace Car Park
Wed 15 September 9.00am – 2.00pm Winter co-curricular photos Junior School
Thu 16 September All day Andrew Joyner – Author/Illustrator Junior School Library
Thu 16 September 9.00am – 2.00pm Class/Individual/Sibling and Music photos Junior School
Fri 17 September 8.45am House Singing Competition Memorial Hall
Fri 17 September  8.45am – 3.00pm RAA Street Smart, Reception to Year 2 North Terrace Car Park
Mon 20 September 8.45am Reception Wheels Day North Terrace Car Park
Wed 22 September 1.30pm Years 1 and 2 Concert Matinee Performance Junior School Hall
Wed 22 September 6.30pm Years 1 and 2 Concert – Evening Performance Junior School Hall
Thu 23 September 9.00am Years 3 to 6 Athletics Carnival Girdlestone Oval
Fri 24 September 12.15pm Year 5 to St Peter’s Girls Singing in the Rain Concert St Peters Girls
Fri 24 September 3.00pm/3.15pm Term 3 concludes: Rec to Year 2 at 3.00pm, Years 3 to 6   at 3.15pm Junior School

Please remember that my door is always open and that I always welcome your feedback and questions.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Jasmine Taylor
Head of Junior School