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3 Way Conferences 

It has been more than a couple of years since my daughter, who was around eight at the time, asked me why we had to look after her cousin when her parents attended parent-teacher interviews. To her, it was perplexing that adults were talking about her cousin’s learning without her cousin being involved in the conversation. 

It prompted me to reflect on the format of traditional parent teacher conferences; where students’ voices aren’t included in conversations about progress and attainment, challenges and goals. It then led me to imagine a manager talking to my own parents about how I was carrying out my duties and what areas I could improve on. It wouldn’t make sense for my mum to be talking to the Headmaster about my work so why do we exclude children from conversations about their own learning?  

We need to include children in discussions about their learning to empower them, foster a sense of ownership over their own learning, and enable collaborative goal setting and celebration of progress made.  

It has been a joy, as always, to walk around our Junior School this week seeing students discuss their performance and progress with parents and teachers at 3 Way Conferences over the past week. We love sharing the spaces the boys spend so much of their time in with their parents! One teacher, when I asked how she was on Thursday evening, replied ‘my cheeks are aching from smiling so much.’  I concur as I have also been smiling incessantly in response to the many proud moments shared between parents, boys and teachers this week.  

Thank you parents for being integral to the success of our 3 Way Conferences.  

Have a lovely weekend.  

Jasmine Taylor
Head of Junior School  


Important Upcoming Term 3 Events  

19 Sept 2023, 2.30pm-3.00pm  Years 5 and 6 Chapel  Chapel 
20 Sept 2023, 8.45am  Presentation to Year 5 cohort about School Captain applications  Function Space 
20 Sept 2023, 9.00am  Spring Magic Festival ELC, Prep and Reception  Palm House 
20 Sept 2023, 9.30am  Prep Weekly Visit to Vailima  Vailima 
21 Sept 2023, 1.30pm  Anglican Charities Day  Various 
21 Sept 2023, 2.45pm  Recycled Uniform Shop – Pop up Sale North Terrace Car Park 
22 Sept 2023, 8.45am  Prep to Year 6 Assembly  Memorial Hall 
25 Sept 2023, 8.45am  House Singing Competition Years 2 to 6  Memorial Hall 
26 Sept 2023, all day  Years 3 to 6 Sports Day  Caterer Oval 
27 Sept, 8.45am  Year 3 Camp Departs  Finniss 
27 Sept 2023, 9.30am  Prep Weekly Visit to Vailima  Vailima 
27 Sept 2023, 1.30pm  Years 1 and 2 Concert Matinee  Junior School Hall 
27 Sept 2023, 6.30pm  Years 1 and 2 Concert  Junior School Hall 
28 Sept 2023, 8.15am  SRC Tree Planting Excursion Years 4 to 6  Carrickalinga 
29 Sept 2023, 3.15pm  Year 3 Camp returns  Finniss