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On the back of Reconciliation Week it was heartening to hear our Year 6 students talk in Assembly about their inquiry into and conversation around truth telling leading into Australia’s Voice Referendum. The concept that stood out for me in what Shrihan, Max and James spoke about was truth. Our school values guide us to pursue truth that we might live lives of integrity; this means, we are honest and have strong moral principles; that we are led by truth to engage with God, the world and others with courage and kindness.

It is excellent to hear and see that this isn’t just something our school website says we do, but is the reality of the conversations our students are having with each other here at school.

Grandparents and Special Friends Day 

It was a joy to see students welcome their guests into their classrooms at our Junior School Grandparents and Special Friends Day last week. Students relished sharing their School and their learning with visitors. The boys also loved introducing their teachers and friends to their grandparents. With students spending upwards of 35 hours per week at School, they were incredibly eager, and proud, to share such a significant element of their life with guests.

The impact that grandparents and extended family and friends have on building community around children can’t be underestimated. My gratitude extends to all grandparents, regardless of whether they could join us on Thursday. Our students wouldn’t be the humans they are if it wasn’t for the grandparents who came before them.

SEA July Holiday Programs

A range of Saints Extra Activities (SEA) will be running across the July holiday period. Click here to see the schedule.

Bookings can be made through the Online and Lunch Orders through Keystone.

Jasmine Taylor
Head of Junior School  


19 June 2023, 7pm JSFOS Meeting Function Space
20 June 2023 Bastille Day Celebrations

8.45am Reception to Year 3

1.45pm Years 4 to 6

Da Costa Dining Hall
21 June 2023, 9.30-11.00am Prep visit to Vailima Vailima Retirement Village
22 June 2023, 2.45 – 3.45pm Recycled Uniform Shop Pop-up sale North Terrace Car Park
23 June 2023, 8.45-9.30am P to Year 6 Assembly Memorial Hall
24 June 2023, 6.30-10.00 JSFOS DJ Bingo Night Junior School Hall
27 June 2023, 1.30-3.00pm Year 5 and 6 Matinee Concert Memorial Hall
27 June 2023, 7.00-8.30pm Year 5 and 6 Evening Concert Memorial Hall
28 June 2023, 9.30-11.00am Prep visit to Vailima Vailima Retirement Village
29 June 2023, 8.45-10.45am Year 3 Open Morning Year 3 Classrooms
29 June 2023, 2.00-3.00pm Year 5 Gold Rush Presentation Junior School Hall
30 June 2023, 11.30am St Peter’s Day and First Communion Service Memorial Hall
30 June 2023 End of Term
Prep to Year 2 – 3.00pm
Years 3 to 6 – 3.15pm