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Whether you are a Republican or not – and it is okay to disagree on this point – when I was watching the coronation of King Charles III, surveying the guests in the congregation, I couldn’t help but think about the audience I have in front of me when I speak to the Junior School in Memorial Hall.  

It was inclusive! 

Respected members of British Jewish, Sikh, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu and Jain communities were all there, watching King Charles III being crowned as King in an Anglican ceremony. Because we are an Anglican school, we welcome students who are Christian, Muslim ,Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Greek Orthodox, Catholic, or no religion at all.  

We too are inclusive!  

I think King Charles’ desire to be a ‘defender of faith’ rather than a ‘defender of the faith’ is admirable and something our community can aspire to as well. 

I do hope all of the mothers in our community were spoilt ridiculously well last weekend. It was wonderful to see so many students with their mums and special guests at breakfast in Big Quad last Friday, honoring the lunch boxes, the hugs, the driving, the calendar management, and love, they give (to name but a few things that they do). Thank you to all the mothers, staff members and parents of our students alike, for all that you do! 

Jasmine Taylor 
Head of Junior School  

22 May – 28 May  Book Fair Viewing  Junior School Library 
23 May, 8.30am-3.00pm  Da Vinci Decathlon  St Peter’s Girls’ School 
23 May, 2.30-3.00pm  Years 5 and 6 Chapel  Chapel 
24 May, 9.30-11.00am  Prep visit to Vailima   Vailima Retirement Community 
24 May, 1.45pm  Year 6 Poetry Final  Junior School Function Space 
25 May, 1.45pm  Year 5 Poetry Final  Higgins Hall 
26 May, 8.45am  Years 3 to 6 Assembly  Memorial Hall 
26 May, 2.30pm  Prep to Year 2 Assembly hosted by 1R  Junior School Hall 
29 May, 8.45am  Year 6 Guest Speaker  Junior School Function Space 
30 May, 2.00pm  Prep to Year 2 Chapel  Chapel 
30 May, 2.30pm  Years 3 and 4 Chapel  Chapel 
31 May, 8.45am-1.00pm  Winter Sport Cocurricular Photos  The Avenues 
31 May, 9.30-11.00am  Prep visit to Vailima   Vailima Retirement Community