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3 Way Conferences

Next week we will be holding our first Junior School 3 Way conferences. We have moved to a format where students, parents and teachers are involved in feedback and goal setting meetings rather than a traditional parent teacher meeting.

This week I have spoken with students to hear what they think about the change in format. There were some who said it would be awkward to be in the room with your mum and dad and teacher and have to talk about what you are good at. There were also a few boys who thought it was a lot more work for them because they will need to reflect on what they are good at and what their next steps are rather than their teacher just telling parents what they could do to improve. However, there was another strong theme that came through discussions evident in the comments below:

  • “So usually when it’s parent teacher interview, you don’t know what the teacher is saying about you and you don’t know what your mum is getting told” Year 2 Student
  • “I think that it’s better for the kids because they will know what the teacher is saying and they…. get to know their grades and how they can do a better job to succeed.” Year 2 Student
  • “I think 3 Way Conferences will be beneficial as parents will get student’s views on school and all of their good work rather than (just) the teachers.” Year 6 Student
  • “I think they will help and will give students a chance to say what their strengths and weaknesses are in a subject” Year 5 Student

Our students want to be part of the discussion about their own learning.

We want our students to be Assessment Capable Learners.  We want them to know where they are, where they are going and how to get there in regard to their learning. Students need to be empowered to recognise their strengths and work in partnership with teachers and parents to plan their next steps in learning. With 3 Way Conferencing, there is an expectation that students are active participants in their learning and share responsibility in their learning progress.

I look forward to hearing your feedback about your experience of 3 Way Conferences in the coming week.

 Winter Sport Season

As the winter sports season draws to a close, I would like to thank parents, coaches and teachers for their support and guidance of the boys’ of our Junior School teams this season. It has been encouraging to see our focus being not only on winning, but on being persistent, courageous, respectful, supportive and humble when on the sporting field. In so many parts of Australia and the world, inter school sport is not possible on account of restrictions. As a community we should be grateful for the opportunity to be challenged and extended by the teams that we compete against. Well done to all of our boys who have participated positively in our co-curricular sports this year.

 Walk a Mile

There was a wonderful group of approximately 100 staff, students, siblings and parents who woke up early to brave the cold last Wednesday morning and walk around the perimeter of our campus. It was an opportunity to reflect on our privilege and our beautiful school grounds and think about those who have experienced or are experiencing homelessness. Thank you again for those who joined in the 2.3km and raised just over $550 for the Hutt Street Centre who continue to support those in need.

 Katie Carey

We are delighted that Katie Carey returned to school this week. The Year 1 and 2 boys in particular are very happy to have you back ahead of their concert to be held on the Wednesday 22 September. Thank you again to Melissa Gorroick who stepped in to cover for Katie in her absence.

 Car Park Safety

There has been another near miss in the Junior School car park where a car entered through an exit point. Please note that CCTV footage is recorded.

Dates for the Diary

Date Event Location Time
Mon 30 August  State RoboCupSA Competition     
Tues 31 August  SAPSASA Athletics North Adelaide District    8.20am – 3.00pm 
3 Way Conference    2.00pm – 6.00pm 
Wed 1 September  ICAS Mathematics Assessments (select students)  Various Classrooms and Specialist Rooms  9.00am and 11.00am 
IPSHA Poetry Recital  Seymour College  2.00pm 
Thurs 2 September  3 Way Conference  Various Classrooms and Specialist Rooms  2.00pm – 6.00pm 
Fri 3 September  Years 3 – 6 Assembly  Memorial Hall  9.00am 
Reception – Year 2 Assembly  Junior School Hall  2.30pm 
Mon 6 September  Author in Residence – Littlelight VIRTUAL performance – Year 1    9.00am 
Junior School Friends of Saints Meeting    7.30pm 
Wed 8 September  Year 4 Walking Excursion to the Cathedral  Cathedral, North Adelaide  10.00am 
Thurs 9 September  Year 5 Zoo Excursion  Adelaide   8.45am 
  Author in Residence – Littlelight VIRTUAL performance (Year 2 and Reception) Junior School Library  9.00am 
Mission Guild Recycled Uniform Shop Pop-up Stall  Junior School carpark adjacent to Palm House  2.45pm 
Fri 10 September  Author in Residence – Littlelight VIRTUAL performance – RW  Junior School Library   

Have a wonderful weekend. Please remember that my door is always open and that I always welcome your feedback and questions.

Jasmine Taylor
Head of Junior School