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Risk Taking, Resilience and Respect 

Over the past fortnight Years 3 and 4 students have ventured to the School’s Outdoor Education campus at Finniss. As I drove back to Adelaide after spending a night at the Year 4 Camp, I reflected on how much the boys gain from spending time away from school and home. Yes, they learn how to pitch a tent, make damper and play indigenous games; but there is far deeper learning at play.  

Through being away from home, the boys are compelled to take risks in ways they wouldn’t do ordinarily. Whether it be eating something new or sleeping in a tent for the first time, being able to approach new things independent of parent guidance, gives children a sense of accomplishment.  

I know there are many children who, in the lead up to spending time away from home, are worried about not being able to sleep properly, not liking the food on offer and feeling homesick. Acknowledging that these feelings are uncomfortable to begin with and that they can work through them develops resilience.  

In the short time I was with the Year 4 students this week and the Year 3 students the week before, I saw the respect each boy has for each other grow. Through their shared camp experience they see each other navigate and overcome feelings of uncertainty and understand one another more deeply. 

 As the Year 6 students prepare to head to Kangaroo Island on Monday, and the Year 2 students countdown the days until their sleep over at school, know that these exciting and challenging experiences give the boys an opportunity to take risks, to develop resilience and cultivate respect.  

 Junior School Staffing Updates

Whilst I am disappointed that the following staff members will be leaving us at the end of the 2021 academic year, I am delighted that they are pursuing exciting onward journeys. I am eternally grateful for their contributions and their support of St Peter’s College during their years of service to the school.  

  •  Travis Burridge has been appointed to the Deputy Head of Pastoral Care at Trinity College. Travis joined St Peter’s College in 2010 as a Teacher in the Junior School and has been a Teacher of Health/PE and a Head of House (Alliston-Jones).
  •  Emily Rogers has been appointed as the Assistant Head of Junior School at Seymour College. Emily joined St Peter’s College in 1998 as a Teacher in the Junior School and throughout her tenure has held various Year Level Coordinator positions and most recently as the Year 3 Coordinator. 
  •  Sally Menadue has been recently appointed as the Learning Support Coordinator at Pembroke. Sally joined St Peter’s College in 2018 as a Teacher of Diverse Learning Needs in the Junior School. Sally has also contributed to the Professional Growth Model as a Coach.  
  •  Louise Day who is currently on leave, has recently announced her resignation from the position of Coordinator of Students with Diverse Learning Needs. Louise commenced her tenure at St Peter’s College in 2012 and will conclude her time at the end of the 2021 school year.  
  •  Jamie Schubert has recently accepted a position as Classroom Teacher at Wilderness School commencing at the beginning of the 2022 school year. Jamie joined St Peter’s College in 2017 as a Classroom Teacher in the Junior School. 
  •  Rebekah Bleby recently announced her resignation from the position of Teacher – RAVE in the Junior School to return to her position at West Beach. Rebekah joined St Peter’s College at the beginning of this year and will conclude her time at the end of the 2021 school year.  
  •  Dorina Bonifacio has recently announced her retirement from Early Years as a Co-Educator after 20 years at St Peter’s College and will finish at the end of the school year. During Dorina’s tenure she has positively impacted students through her caring, committed and passionate nature, ensuring the best for students and their families. 

 I look forward to confirming 2022 staffing with you in the coming weeks.  

Dates for the Diary:   

Date Event Time

Mon 25 Oct

Year 6 Camp to Kangaroo Island
Wed 27 Oct Year 2 excursion to Cleland Wildlife Park
Year 3 Concert 6.30pm -7.30pm
Fri 29 Oct Junior Primary Sports Day 9.00am – 12.30pm
Mon 1 Nov JFoS Meeting 7.30pm
Reception Tranisition Visit 1 9.30am -10.30am
Information Meeting for New Reception Parents 9.30am – 10.30am
Tue 2 Nov Chamber Recitals – various locations 5.00pm – 9.00pm
Thu 4 Nov Year 3 Zoo Excursion All Day
Fri 5 Nov JSFOS Breakfast 7.00am
Year 2 Sleep Over 5.30pm

Please remember that my door is always open and that I always welcome your feedback and questions.  

Have a wonderful weekend.  

Jasmine Taylor
Head of Junior School