24 March 2023
It has been wonderful to welcome parents on campus for parent teacher interviews this week. I am grateful to parents and teachers for taking the time to meet and talk about our students’ academic progress, strengths, and areas for improvement as well as social and emotional development.
I am also sure students are grateful; knowing parents and teachers are spending time talking about them, shows we are collaboratively invested in caring about their growth and wellbeing.
Beyond positive parent-teacher relationships, our students also benefit from the connections built between parents through broader community events. Whether it be Movie Night, Swimming Carnival, the Pet Parade, watching inter-school sport, dropping into the library with your son or Friday assemblies, connecting with others across and within our community helps build the village around our children, because parents and teachers can’t do it alone.
Thank you again for your engagement and involvement in our St Peter’s College community. I look forward to seeing you at Summer House Games on Wednesday, if not before.
Please remember, I appreciate your feedback, suggestions and questions when I see you on campus.
Car Park Update
Following on from the communication sent on Wednesday 22 March regarding car park etiquette, the School in the process of running a traffic and parking audit in all St Peter’s College car parks. Through this process, it has come to our attention that a number of parents and guardians are parking their cars on campus after dropping off their son, to walk or catch the bus to work or go shopping in the city. Old scholars, friends and relatives of staff members and people with no association to the School have also been observed parking illegally. This activity considerably reduces the number of parks available in peak periods. By identifying cars who shouldn’t be on campus, we hope to alleviate the congestion experienced at peak times.
Have a lovely weekend.
Jasmine Taylor
Head of Junior School
Diary Dates
Tuesday 28 March, 2.30pm | Years 5 and 6 Chapel | Chapel |
Wednesday 29 March, 10.15am-3.00pm | Summer House Games | Various JS Locations |
Thursday 30 March, 5.30pm | THRASS Parent Information Evening | Function Space |
Friday 31 March, 8.45am | Years 3 to 6 Assembly | Memorial Hall |
Friday 31 March, 1.45pm | Embrace Kids Student Movie | Memorial Hall |
Friday 31 March, 2.30pm | Prep to Year 2 Assembly. Hosted by 1A | Junior School Hall |
Friday 31 March, 6.00pm | Year 3 Parent Drinks | The Kentish Hotel |
Friday 31 March, 7.00pm | Embrace Kids Movie | Memorial Hall |
Monday 3 April, 7.00pm | JSFOS Committee Meeting | Function Space |
Tuesday 4 April, 2.00pm | Prep to Year 2 Chapel | Chapel |
Tuesday 4 April, 2.30pm | Years 3 to 4 Chapel | Chapel |
Wednesday 5 April, 9.30am | Prep Weekly visits to Vallima Retirement Community | Vailima Retirement Community |
Thursday 6 April, 11.30am | Easter Service and Last Supper Play | Memorial Hall |
Thursday 6 April, 1.45pm | Year 3 visit to the Secret Garden | The Secret Garden |