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It has been a tremendously eventful end to Term 3 and I am extremely grateful to the Junior School staff who have facilitated such an engaging week ahead of the two week break.

The week started with our House Singing competition. The ‘Boy Bands’ themed inspired renditions of the Monkeys, Backstreet Boys, Five and The Beatles songs. Judged by SA Opera regular, Mr Mark Oates, St Peter’s College Choral Coordinator, Mr Andrew Chatterton and Mr Jason Hall, Junior School Maintenance and Support crew, Stokes-Ware House won the trophy for their cover of Help! Compliments to all of the students and their Heads of House who performed with enthusiasm and joy. I loved hearing from one parent, that her son had been practising the song whilst singing in the shower in the week leading up to the competition; evidence of the happiness singing brings to our boys!

Pivoting from one thing to the next, on Tuesday, the Years 3 to 6 students enjoyed marching behind Senior School Percussion Ensemble members, trooping to the sound of an uplifting drum line. It was great to see students participating in a range of novelty and athletics events over the course of the Years 3 to 6 Sports Day, culminating in a series of House relays. I look forward to our Sports Captain announcing the results of the day in our Term 4 Week 1 Assembly. It is wonderful to see an increasing number of parents taking up the invitation to wear a splash of colour in support of their son’s House.

The annual Years 1 and 2 concert held on Wednesday afternoon and evening was an absolute privilege to watch. The ‘Songs of Creatures, Great and Small’ inspired show was outstanding. Congratulations to all staff involved in the production, and in particular to Ms Katey Carey for her impressive planning, directing and conducting. The boys performed confidently, cohesively and with delight; evidence of a highly skilled team working with a very special group of boys!

Meanwhile, our Year 3 students have ventured out of the 5069 postcode for their first camp at Finniss, St Peter’s College’s outdoor education campus. As I arrived to join them in time for dinner on Thursday evening, I was greeted by with firm advice from one of the boys, to add extra cheese to my pasta bake! It has been great to see them so assured and settled in their camp surrounds, as well as hearing about the highlights of the last two days. Parents can be very proud of how well the boys collaborated with one another whilst away from home.

As we approach Term 4, I would like to thank Bianca Cook who has been covering Alison Winter’s Long Service Leave in Term 3. We have truly appreciated your contribution in the Library over the past months.

Please remember boys are to wear summer uniform in Term 4. Do insist your son polishes his own shoes ready for the start of term. When visiting the hairdresser, make sure no extreme difference in length, fades or lightning bolts are shaved into boys’ hair.

Have a safe and rejuvenating holiday ahead of what promises to be another exceptional term of learning.

Jasmine Taylor
Head of Junior School  


Important Upcoming Term 4 Events  

11-13 October, 2023 Year 6 Canberra Experience
17 October, 8.35am Term 4 commences
20 October, 8.45am-3.45pm Year 3 Excursion Museum and Botanic Gardens
20 October, 8.45am Prep to Year 6 Assembly Memorial Hall
20 October, 5.00pm Year 1 Science Evening Palm House Lawns
25 October, 2.00pm Year 2 Significant Places Excursion Memorial Hall
30 October, 9.00-11.00am Author in Residence – Vaughan Duck JS Library
1 November, 6.30pm Year 3 Concert Memorial Hall
2 November, 8.45am-1.00pm Palm House Sports Day Palm house Oval
2 November,1.25pm Year 6 Students attending Muster Memorial Hall
3 November, 8.10am-3.10pm Once Upon a Story Festival Immanuel College
3 November, 8.45am Year 3 to 6 Assembly Memorial Hall
3 November, 2.30pm Prep to Year 2 Assembly Junior School Hall
3 November, 6.00pm Year 6 Social Function Space