08 November 2019
Head of Junior School: Gallery
I am delighted to have new artwork in my office for the final term of school. Year 6 students, inspired by the work of Margaret Preston, were required to use precise fine motor skills and safe carving techniques to create a linoleum block print. Using rolling ink, the boys made up to five print editions, adding colour with water colour paint to some of the editions. Do take a moment to scroll through the photo gallery below to see the boys and their stunning artworks.
Year 3 Strings Concert
Last Wednesday saw a culmination of the Year 3 Strings Program in our annual Strings Concert. What is so impressive about the way in which the boys performed is the level of collaboration required to create music in unison. Being a member of an ensemble requires attention, practice and coordination. The boys exhibited these skills in the enjoyable and well-rehearsed concert which is a credit to the students, the Music staff and the parents who have supported the String Program this year.
It is also appropriate to note that this concert marked Mr Sam Howes’s last Year 3 Strings Concert as Strings Coordinator at St Peter’s College. Mr Howes has been at Saints for 24 years and has been influential in the development and implementation of the Strings Program across the school in this time. In the short time that I have known him, it is evident that he brings joy to the music program and the experience our boys have of playing a string instrument.
Junior Primary Sports Day
Last Friday saw students in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 participate in the Junior Primary Sports Day. The boys, and in some cases parents and special friends, participated in nine activities in a rotation of events. It was wonderful to see the level of participation and the way in which the boys encouraged each other in all of the activities.
The Year 6 Student House and Sports Leaders were exemplary as they guided the Junior Primary classes through the activities during the morning. It was an excellent example of how our older boys have ability to be role models to some of our youngest students.
Thank you to the Junior School Friends of Saints for providing the well-deserved ice blocks for the boys to enjoy at the end to the event.
Class Lists 2020
Our Junior School team has been working very hard to create balanced class lists ready for 2020. We consider the boys’ friendship preferences, academic readiness, English as an additional language learners, as well as social and emotional needs when creating these lists. These have now been finalised and boys will be introduced to their 2020 homeroom teacher on step up day, Friday 29 November.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Jasmine Taylor
Head of Junior School