21 November 2019
Junior School Friends of Saints Breakfast
Thank you to the significant number of families who attended our Junior School Friends of Saints Breakfast on Friday 8 November. It was especially pleasing to see so many of the Junior School community in attendance, enjoying each other’s company and the delicious breakfast being served in the Junior School Hall. Thank you to the JSFoS Committee Members and Volunteers who helped to make this school event so successful.
Christmas is Coming
If you haven’t already seen the student decorated Christmas trees on Osmond Terrace in Norwood, take a detour to play ‘I spy’. Our ELC students have been inspired by the loose parts and sustainability movements and by Indigenous artist-in-residence Sasha Hill. Please also look out for members of our Junior School community who will be participating in the Norwood Christmas Pageant on Saturday morning.
Another event to put in your calendar is the Carol Service which is being held on Monday 25 November at the St Peter’s Cathedral, North Adelaide. It would be amazing to see as many families as possible witness our Years 3 /4 choir perform at this special event. The Service starts at 7:00pm and will conclude at approximately 8:00pm.
Junior School Music Showcase and Year 4 Band Concert
It has been another busy fortnight of our students demonstrating their musical prowess. Through Music, our boys make a great contribution to our exceptional learning community. It is inspiring to see the early morning and lunch time rehearsals, the additional practice put in at home coming together to reflect a range of genres from a range of eras come to life on stage. Well done to the boys, the Music staff and parents who all support our incredible Music program at Saints.
Car Park Reminder
A friendly reminder to allow boys to get out of your car only if you are parked in a parking space or in the ‘kiss and drop’ zone. We have seen a number of students being dropped off on the roadway which puts their safety at risk. Further to this, please do not leave your vehicle if you are using the drop off zone. It is essential that we keep the flow of traffic moving at the start of the day.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Jasmine Taylor
Head of Junior School