06 February 2020
It has been a wonderful start to the 2020 academic year. In just eight full days of school, I have already seen the boys do so much. From swimming in PE, new string instruments in Music and a variety of media in Art are just a few examples. Our students are engaging in a broad and motivating curriculum. It was great to see so many parents attend our Parent, Seesaw and Learning Curve Information sessions earlier this week. We really do value your partnership in your son’s learning journey.
Commissioning of Junior School Student Leaders
Last Friday our Junior School Student Leaders were commissioned in a service in Memorial Hall. Congratulations to the leaders who were selected by students and staff to represent the Junior School, the Junior School Houses, and the subject areas of Music, Sport and Art.
Junior School Captain: Leo Dreosti
Junior School Vice Captain: Quinn Murphy
Art Captain: Nicholas Roberston
Music Captain: Shaarav Reddy
Sports Captain: Jimmy Hele
House Captains Alliston-Jones:
Hugo Browne and Jack Hollington
House Captains Brookes:
Miles Chipperfield and Emerson Cooper
House Captains Clayton-Dyer:
Ethan Cross and Louis Adamson
House Captains Stokes-Ware:
Andrew Hattingh and Edward Gartrell
I would also like to remind you that it is not only those who have been presented with badges that are leaders within this hall. With or without a title, all of our Year 6s are now seniors within our Junior School and are expected to lead by example.
Out School Hours Care
A friendly reminder to register with Extend, our new OSHC provider. In case you are in a situation where you are unable to pick up your son on time, you can book up to one minute in advance.
Please email your son’s class teacher to let them know which days your son is attending OSHC.
Culture of Differentiation
This year, I will be continuing to focus on developing a culture of differentiation in our Junior School. In 2019 we began using Carol Ann Tomlinson’s model of differentiated instruction. I look forward to sharing the principles of this model at a parent information session on Tuesday 25 February at 8:45am.
Please remember that my door is always open and that I always welcome your feedback and questions.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Jasmine Taylor
Head of Junior School