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It is wonderful to have over 97% of our students back at school this week. Having our students back on campus has reminded me that one of the most important elements of learning is being social. We need each other to discuss our ideas with, to share our wonderings with, to celebrate our discoveries and creations with. Our children aren’t computers waiting for information to be downloaded onto. Learning is interactive and involves conversation, collaboration and creativity. These are some of the things that we missed when the boys were learning at home and what we want to see more of now that they are back here with us at school!

Parent-teacher Interviews

Thank you for engaging in parent-teacher interviews via zoom this week. Our teachers have really loved connecting with parents to discuss their students’ progress. We are interested in collecting and responding to community feedback to inform school improvement. Please let us know what you thought about your experience by filling in this short survey. 

Movie Night Raffle

Unfortunately, we weren’t able to draw the Movie Night Raffle last term. However, Mr Browning drew the raffle during our Junior School Assembly that was streamed live to all classes last Friday morning.

Congratulations to the winners:

1) Hugo Hill
2) Alex Pourgiezis and Lucas Pourgiezis
3) Jisnu Menon and Jaikrish Menon

Thank you to the Junior School Friends of Saints for all the planning and preparation they put into organising the Movie Night. We all look forward to the time when we can hold such events in the future.

Code Camp Online after school sessions

If you are interested in your son participating in Code Camp online after school, please see the link that will provide you with the details of dates and costs. You can book in by following this link:

Car Park Drop off and Pick Up

Thank you for continuing to help us promote physical distancing during drop off and pick up. Please continue to follow the procedures previously outlined in our Term 2 arrangements email.

Drop Off
Staff are ready to welcome students in classrooms from 8:15am.

Parents are not to leave their cars when using the drop off zones:
– Sports Centre/Uniform Shop Carpark
– The Avenue
– Junior School Carpark

Junior School staff will help the boys make their way to their classrooms.

Boys will continue to use external doors to enter their classrooms to avoid any congestion at main entrances. Reception students enter at the Junior Primary Courtyard, Year 4s enter at the western entrance of Bickersteth and Year 5 boys enter at the eastern staircase of Bickersteth.

Staggered Pick Up
Students will be dismissed at different times at the end of the school day:

2:50pm: Reception students collected from Junior Primary Courtyard
3:00pm: Year 1 and 2 students collected from external classroom doors. Year 3 students dismissed and collected from designated meeting point.
3:15pm: Year 4, 5, 6 students collected from Sports Centre/Uniform Shop, the Avenue or Junior School Carpark.

Years 3 – 6 parents: please tell your son where you intend to meet them.

If you have children in multiple Year levels please collect all your children at the time your youngest child is dismissed. Please communicate with your sons’ teachers to indicate if they will need an early dismissal. Years 4, 5 and 6 children will only be dismissed to the pick-up zones before 3:15pm with prior communication from parents. Please ensure your son is aware of your intended collection point.

Please do not congregate or remain in any of the pick-up areas and maintain social distancing from other parents and students. Please do not enter classrooms to pick up your son. Please return to your car as quickly as possible.

Early Learning Centre: Please drop off and collect your sons at the external doors of their classrooms.

Campus Upgrades

During the school holidays new carpet was installed in one of the Year 6 classrooms and the Junior Primary French room. We look forward to further carpet updates throughout our buildings as part of our ongoing facilities plan. 

SAPSASA JS Swimming Champions

Congratulations to the boys who represented us at the SAPSASA Swimming Carnival and won District Champion School. This is an incredible feat as we were only able to enter half of the events, not having any girls in our team.

Dates for the Diary:  

Friday 15 May: Junior School Cross Country: All boys to wear PE uniform. Year 3-6 boys to wear House tops with PE uniform.

Please remember that my door is always open and that I always welcome your feedback and questions.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Jasmine Taylor

Head of Junior School