30 July 2020
Junior School students and staff have enjoyed a productive and positive start to Term 3. Our first assembly for the term marked the first opportunity for our musicians to perform with a live audience in Memorial Hall for the first time in months. The Swing Band along with the Year 5 and 6 Choir reflects an incredibly strong music program at St Peter’s College.
It was wonderful to see our Year 4, 5 and 6 boys compete in inter-school sport last weekend. Students, staff and parents alike enjoyed the healthy rivalry involved in playing against other schools. We look forward to the fixtures ahead.
I am also pleased to share new artwork that is displayed in my office gallery. This term’s artists come from Year 1. The boys’ work is inspired by the brush strokes used in Van Gogh’s 1889 Starry Night. Please take a moment to click through the gallery below and appreciate the attention to detail and exceptional fine motor control the students have demonstrated in these stunning paintings.
Over the past year, we’ve had a significant focus on sustainability. To support our goal of reducing our landfill and distributing our waste into different streams for recycling, we have introduced the Golden Bin award for the year level with the least cross contamination of waste between organics, recycling, landfill or 10c recycling bins. Each fortnight a winning Year level receives 10 minutes of extra outdoor playtime as a reward for sorting their rubbish correctly. In addition to waste stream distribution, we would like to encourage students to bring their lunch to school with the least amount of packaging possible or ‘nude food’ on Wednesday 5 August in Week 3. We aspire to using little or no packaging in our lunch boxes every day, but would like to start with focusing on just one day to begin with and see what kind of difference we can make.
Blue Week
The Junior School will be involved with Blue Week for Mental Health hosted by the School Captains in Week 4. All boys are asked to Wear Blue Casual Clothes on Friday 14 August for a $2 donation in home rooms. Boys are also invited to participate in the Beyond Blue sports round on Saturday 15 August by wearing a blue armband provided by their teachers. The Prefects and Senior School Society, Blue Group, will also host a BBQ lunch with the Year 5 and 6 boys selling sausages for $2 each on Thursday 13 August.
Car Park Drop off and Pick Up: Arrangements to continue
Thank you for continuing to help us promote physical distancing during drop off and pick up. Please continue to follow the procedures previously outlined in our Term 2 arrangements email.
Drop Off
Staff are ready to welcome students in classrooms from 8:15am.
Parents are not to leave their cars when using the drop off zones:
– Sports Centre/Uniform Shop Carpark
– The Avenue
– Junior School Carpark
Boys will continue to use external doors to enter their classrooms to avoid any congestion at main entrances. Reception students enter at the Junior Primary Courtyard, Year 4s enter at the western entrance of Bickersteth and Year 5 boys enter at the eastern staircase of Bickersteth.
Pick Up
3:00pm: Reception students collected from Junior Primary Courtyard
3:00pm: Year 1 and 2 students collected from external classroom doors.
3:15pm: Year 3, 4, 5, 6 students collected from Sports Centre/Uniform Shop, the Avenue or Junior School Carpark.
Please remember that my door is always open and that I always welcome your feedback and questions.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Jasmine Taylor
Head of Junior School