11 September 2020
Student Agency and Social Enterprise
Student agency is “the ability and the will to influence positively their own lives and the world around them”. (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2020). We also know that when students make decisions in their learning, they are more motivated to learn. In view of this, the Junior School is aiming to give our students opportunities to participate and contribute to our community in ways that are chosen by them. An example of this can be seen in Years 2 and 6 where students have been invited to choose their own topic for a “passion project”. This has led to a wide range of skills being developed in our students. Year 2 student, Sebastian Van Niekerk, worked on a “Birdhouse Project” through which he learnt carpentry and painting skills. He then took the initiative to email me to inquire whether he could have the birdhouse installed in one of our trees for the benefit of the birds on our School grounds.
Further to this, I was pleased to discover that Sunny Zhang, a student in Year 6, had emailed Tim Browning, Headmaster to let him know about his recently formed business, Coozywana. The business Sunny has created makes solar energy chargers for iPads. Mr Browning has since responded by saying that he would like to introduce Sunny to an old scholar in our community who could possibly help him with his designs and ideas.
The Year 6 student coffee shop, Coffee@Saints, has also been an opportunity for our boys to participate in our community for the betterment of our society. The students involved were required to write a proposal to access Social Enterprise funding. They put the money towards purchasing an industrial coffee machine and opening a coffee shop for staff with the aim to donate any profits to the Country Fire Service. The students have learnt a lot about customer service, cleaning, budgeting, advertising and making a really good cup of coffee. The coffee shop, located in the Junior School Function Centre, is now open to parents and staff on Thursday and Friday mornings. I know that the boys would be thrilled to increase their customer base.
These examples show how learning can be richer and more relevant when it is student centered. I look forward to giving students further opportunities to learn outside of the textbook and classroom.
“No Hat No Play” from 1 September
In-line with our SunSmart policy, we require students to wear a St Peter’s College sun hat during outdoor playtimes.
Playgrounds after school
Can I please remind parents to refrain from letting their sons use the playgrounds after the school day. These areas are not supervised by our staff out of school hours.
Car park drop off and pick up: arrangements to continue
Thank you for continuing to help us promote physical distancing during drop off and pick up. Please continue to follow the procedures previously outlined.
Please remember to follow the 10 km/h speed limit when driving in the Junior School.
Dates for the Diary
Tuesday 15 September
Parent Teacher Interviews – face to face interviews
3.20 pm specialist teachers in Junior School Function Area
3.50 pm CR teachers in their classrooms
Wednesday 16 September
IPSHA Poetry Final Competition – Loreto College
Thursday 17 September
Junior School Class and Individual Photos (Staff, Year 6 Graduation, Class Groups) School Grounds
ELC A Movie Launch for parents and staff Junior School Function Area
Parent Teacher Interviews – zoom meetings
Friday 18 September
Reception to Year 6 Assembly Memorial Hall
Year 3 Travel Expo Junior School Function Area 2.30 pm – 3.00 pm
Year 2 Mother’s Drinks Maylands Hotel 7.00 pm – 10.00 pm
Saturday 19 September
ELC community working bee ELC grounds 10.00 am – 12.00 noon
Year 3 Mum’s Lunch 2KW North Terrace 12.00 noon – 3.00 pm
String and Orchestra Concert with Senior and Junior School boys Memorial Hall/Big School Room 3.00 pm – 5.00 pm
Every Wednesday: Wipe Out Waste Wednesday. Please aim to minimise disposable packaging all the time, but let’s make an extra effort on Wednesdays.
Please remember that my door is always open and that I always welcome your feedback and questions.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Jasmine Taylor
Head of Junior School